Launched in 1985, IHOF recognizes metamorphic innovations achieved by UMD alums, faculty, and members of the UMD community.
At the A. James Clark School of Engineering, we honor the contributions of Black engineering trailblazers, whose accomplishments improve our society through innovation and leadership.
Maryland’s Little-Known Nuclear Reactor Observes a Half-Century of Fission
The Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Engineering at Maryland magazine celebrates a UMD campus ecosystem that's ripe for entrepreneurial excellence.
Two seniors and two alumni were selected for this prestigious fellowship.
DURIP awards support university research in technical areas of interest to the Department of Defense.
Join us for more than 60 Clark School events, family-friendly demonstrations, and engineering activities
UMD’s 49 scholarships in the past 15 years rank No. 1 in the nation.
Three University of Maryland professors are among the 124 engineers newly elected to the 2023 Class of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).
Funding for a noninvasive, inexpensive screening tool that could predict persistent post-stroke cognitive difficulties.
Eric Wachsman and Ji-Cheng “JC” Zhao have been named to the National Academy of Inventors’ (NAI) Class of 2022 Fellows, joining the ranks of some of the nation’s most prestigious and creative academic inventors.
BIOE chair one of six UMCP/UMB professors to receive University of Maryland Strategic Partnership appointment.
The chair of mechanical engineering at UMD has also been named a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) awards support growth of newly emerging technologies.
Bioengineering professor one of eight UMD/UMB professors to receive UMD Strategic Partnership appointment.
The new program aims to foster collaboration between faculty on UMD's Baltimore and College Park campuses.
Fourteen Clark School students pursuing their Ph.D.s in engineering have been awarded Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships by the University of Maryland Graduate School.
This year, the Clark School honors 70 undergraduates who exemplify the college’s commitment to excellence; five are recognized with Dean’s Awards.
Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships recognize the world’s most talented engineering students interested in vertical flight.
Dr. Baheti passed away in March and will be greatly missed by ISR, ECE and the Clark School.
UMD researchers presented new findings, tools, and technologies, including a COVID-19 Impact Dashboard that leverages mobile device data.
Award recognizes Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Third Edition as the best book published within the last five years.
Aerospace entrepreneur’s gift aims to inspire future engineers.
Chellappa will be joining Johns Hopkins on August 1 as a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, but will continue his research collaborations at UMD.
President-designate calls acts of violence against black community nationwide a 'stain' against UMD values.
BIOE seniors present Capstone projects and celebrate winners virtually.
Professor DeClaris joined the UMD faculty in 1967 and served as Head of the Electrical Engineering Department. After stepping down as head, he continued to teach until his retirement in 2011.
Citation reads, "for fundamental and high impact contributions to Internet over satellite technology, cybersecurity, automatic control, model-based systems engineering, and for academic leadership."
The Maryland Quantum Alliance launched today with an event in the House of Delegates Office Building.
Our department has racked up a considerable amount of honors and accolades as of late!
Papamanthou will provide leadership to the unique center that joins computer scientists and engineers with researchers from across campus in fields such as economics, supply-chain management and the social sciences.
The Clark School welcomes six National Academy Engineering members who will be returning to or joining our faculty this fall.
Out of gratitude to his mentor, Jim Rand has made a generous gift to the Clark School in support of the Robert M. Rivello Scholarship.
The Clark School honors this year's alumni celebrating the 50th, 55th, 60th, and 70th anniversaries of their University of Maryland graduations.
The research consortium known as Research in Applications for Learning Machines (REALM) was established to foster collaboration between leading universities with strong machine learning and artificial intelligence programs.
Key concerns include vehice safety, software reliabillity, and cybersecurity.
BBI-affiliated faculty instrumental to "Readout and control of spatiotemporal neuronal codes for behavior"
Joint UMD, TAMU study affirms urban flooding is a growing threat across the U.S.
Baras honored for his technical contributions and commercialization leadership of Internet over satellite, hybrid satellites, and terrestrial networks.
The prestigious awards are presented annually in recognition of outstanding work in the field of engineering.
Jack Poole, Principal at Poole Fire Protection, hopes to inspire future FPE grads.
The medal is given "for exceptional achievement in systems engineering and systems science."
OrionAST sponsors second workshop to connect academia, industry and government to address critical issues in orbital debris policy, management and mitigation.
Baras created algorithms and protocols by which Internet services can be delivered over satellite.
Baras honored "for contributions to the theory and applications of stochastic systems and control and communication networks and for leadership in cross-disciplinary research and education."
Affordable RT-PCR for clinical diagnostics, fear mitigation device for pediatric MRIs tie for first place.
Alumni Jones, Van Buiten, Van Wie, Wang and Weber inducted to department's Academy of Distinguished Alumni.
Dr. Tracy, Chief Technical Officer of Boeing, visited campus on February 2nd.
Campus inventors to be honored at Celebration of Innovation and Partnerships
Nearly 500 Project Management Volunteers to Provide Guidance for Nonprofits, Social Change Organizations
Inductees recognized for prolific spirit of innovation.
Program, now in eight year, spurs inter-campus research collaboration
Past recipients include CEE’s Ed Link, retired Members of Congress, Former Secretary of the Army.
Poster session, in-depth discussions, presentations.... and hiking
Center will create bio-inspired solutions for small, remotely operated aircraft.
University of Maryland's Clark School of Engineering community remembers namesake and friend
Three Mechanical Engineering faculty named American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellows
New awards honor alumni, friends for career achievements and contributions to Clark School.
Students' inventions range from diagnostic devices to accident prevention products.
Privacy Protection for Cellular Phones
Competition promotes design skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship
Quantum Engineering Center established
Electronic home plate helps make umpires' calls more precise.
Clark School of Engineering faculty honored for their innovative, ultra-efficient thin-film battery, FlexEl.
Wheel Shields and UMDTutor2Go received top honors at the event.
New Business Model Challenge focuses on business model generation, customer development and pivoting.
Civil Engineering alumnus Robert D. Rauch ('73) appointed by Governor to Board of Regents.
Project will advance technology for the real-time detection of bridge scou, a leading cause of failure for bridges in the U.S.
Second annual Alumni Cup draws a crowd of students, alumni to witness Rube Goldberg-inspired device competition.
David Lai (B.S. '12) was a finalist in Maryland governor's #MDForward contest.
Agreement supports an agenda of broader and closer research partnerships between the two institutions.
Students demonstrate design skills, hard work, sense of humor and school spirit in inaugural competition.
Praise for team entered into the Congressional Record.
Grants combine $3.2M from participating companies and $1M from Mtech Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program.
Team will compete against seven other finalists at national competition in San Antonio in April.
Framework for current and future cooperation with Lockheed Martin worth at least $3 million.
Martha Connolly receives President's Award at Greater Baltimore Committee Bioscience Awards ceremony.
Research Review Day showcases technology advancements in electrical and computer engineering.
Semiconductor Research Corporation/DARPA fund research on microelectronics and systems.
Students present their summer research accomplishments at annual MERIT/TREND fair.
ISR director, ECE professor named dean of UAEU's College of Information Technology.
ECE members to work on multidisciplinary research projects awarded by DoD.
Thin battery, nano-velcro and key exchange system named top UM inventions.
Maryland NanoCenter researchers create new device to store electrical energy.
Presents work on treatment of traumatic facial injuries.
Six winners were selected from eight finalist teams.
Clark School commencement will take place at noon May 23, at Comcast Center.
Madeline Kirk announced as first recipient of Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering.
Nancy Linton (B.S. '98) won for "Outstanding Technical Contribution in Government."
Women in Engineering Program event attracts more than 350 participants.
Department reports 64 students earn doctorates last year, an all time high.
Lockheed CTO kicks off fall Whiting-Turner lecture series.
Ray Johnson, new Lockheed Martin CTO, explains technology trends Nov. 8.
Workshop is a comprehensive, one-day introduction to starting a company.
Stephanie Wilson, a NASA Astronaut, will speak about the Astronaut selection and training process.
News from Dean Nariman Farvardin.
A list of Clark school accomplishments for Spring 2002