About Keystone

Keystone: The Clark School Academy of Distinguished Teachers

In Brief

The Keystone Program encourages the school's best faculty members to teach our most fundamental courses. Faculty members are selected from throughout the school, given renewable three-year appointments with a base salary increase and discretionary funds to support their activities, and are assisted by additional support personnel. Courses are closely reviewed to achieve academic excellence and high student interest. Funding has been contributed to launch the program; substantial new resources are needed to expand it to all freshman and sophomore courses.


Keystone brings beginning engineers an enhanced educational experience, reinforces and recognizes outstanding teaching, and serves a national model for increasing engineering student retention and graduation rates.

Read this story about the inception of Keystone.


Keystone Center Lab: 1116 JM Patterson Building

This classroom supports the ENES 100 classes. This is not an open lab. 

Keystone Lab: 1120 JM Patterson Building

This classroom supports the ENES 100 classes. This is not an open lab.