Thanking Your Scholarship Donor

The scholarship program in the A. James Clark School of Engineering is funded through generous contributions made by our alumni, industry partners, and friends of the college. It is important to acknowledge those contributions that help ease the financial burden of attending college for so many engineering students. Scholarship donors are interested in learning about the students they support. The goal of a thank you letter to your donors is to thank them for their generous contribution to your education and to share a little about yourself so that your donors can learn about you. 

Suggestions for Writing a Thank You Letter

  •  Keep your letter to one page.
  • Convey your message in a clear and concise manner. 
  • Use a standard business format. Your thank you letter should be prepared on a computer. 
  • Use your resume as a reference. Work or research experiences, study abroad, involvement in student organizations or student projects are all good topics to include in your letter. 
  • Proofread your letter. Make sure the donor's name and the name of the scholarship are correct. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Sometimes it is hard to proof your own work, so have someone else read the letter before finalizing it. 

Example Format

3207 Kim Engineering Building
College Park, MD 20742

Fall 2019

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith: 

First paragraph: Explain why you are writing the letter. Be sure to identify your scholarship and that you are a student in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. 

Second (and possible third) paragraph: Tell the donor a little about yourself. You can briefly describe your research, any special programs or student organizations in which you participate, student projects, work experience, leadership experience, etc. You can also write about your plans after you graduate. 

Closing paragraph: Thank your donor again for the scholarship and let the donor know how much you appreciate their generous contribution to your education and the A. James Clark School of Engineering. 


[Handwritten signature]
Your Name, Typed

Sample Thank You Letter #1

3207 Kim Engineering Building
College Park, MD 20742

Fall 2019

Dear Mr. Pin,

I am writing in appreciation of your generous contribution to the scholarship awards for the A. James Clark School of Engineering. With your support, I have received the Theresa Pin Endowed Scholarship, which will help me to continue my studies at the University of Maryland. I am an undergraduate student entering my fourth year at Maryland, with a major in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Spanish Language and Cultures. I am participating in the Gemstone Honors Program, which involves a three-year interdisciplinary team research project. My Gemstone team is currently working on developing a new technology in engineering education, particularly in the field of microelectromechanical systems, which we hope to market by the end of the year. I am also teaching an introductory Gemstone course for new students, preparing them for the University and Gemstone as well as exploring and discussing various issues. Another program that I am involved in is QUEST, which is a joint program between the business and engineering schools that focuses on product quality innovation and team dynamics. These two programs have provided me with great opportunities to work with students of different majors and conduct research in different settings.

This summer I am holding an internship with ExxonMobil, where I have the opportunity to work on projects involving machinery design and reliability improvement. Last summer I worked as an intern for AnheuserBusch, working as a group manager on a bottling line. There I had the opportunity to study the machinery involved in the beverage packaging process, as well as manage people and work on production process improvement. These work experiences have taught me a great deal and given me experience in both the engineering and management fields. After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school for a Master of Science in mechanical engineering. I am hoping this will give me a stronger technical background for a career in mechanical design.

This scholarship will contribute significantly to my outofstate tuition, and it will allow me to focus more on my studies and projects. Thank you again for your generous support.


[Handwritten Signature Here]
Steven Adam

Sample Thank You Letter #2

3207 Kim Engineering Building
College Park, MD 20742

Fall 2019

Dear Ms. Carroll,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding the Carroll Engineering Scholarship. I am extremely honored to be this year’s recipient of the award.

I am a freshman fire protection engineering student in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. I have been very interested in engineering for quite some time. I participated in several summer engineering camps during high school and worked with my neighborhood fire station as a volunteer. The fire protection engineering major seems to be a perfect blend of my interests. This past year I participated in Hurricane Katrina relief work through my church. I worked on a crew cleaning up debris in New Orleans. While in high school, I was president of my senior class and I tutored other students in math and science. I am looking forward to becoming involved in the Engineering Student Council in college. I also plan to get involved with the Society of Women Engineers and Engineers without Borders student organizations. After I obtain my bachelors degree, I hope to attend graduate school and eventually start my own company.

Thank you again for your generous contribution to the scholarship program at the A. James Clark School of Engineering. I hope that I have the opportunity to meet you in person at the college’s scholarship luncheon this fall.


[Handwritten Signature Here]
Marie Page