Engie Scholarship in Engineering

The Engie Scholarships in Engineering are to support energy conversion education at the A. James Clark School of Engineering. Five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to Clark School undergraduate students for the fall 2021 semester. 

Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated interest in studying energy engineering, conversion, and/or sustainability. Preference will be given to students pursuing projects in the Center For Environmental Energy Engineering.

Recipients must:

  • Be a current, full-time (12 credits or more), Clark School engineering undergraduate student through December 2021;
  • Have a demonstrated interest in studying energy engineering, conversion, and/or sustainability through one or more of the following: 
    • Prior or current registration in energy-related courses (e.g., ENME 232 - Thermodynamics and/or ENME 332 - Transfer Processes or equivalent; ENME 423 - Environmental Engineering; ENME 635 - Energy Conversion);
    • An internship/co-op in the energy field;
    • Research experience in an energy-related area.

How to Apply:

Applications are due October 29, 2021, by 4:00PM EST. To apply for the Engie Scholarships in Engineering, email the following to Dr. Nicole Roop at nroop@umd.edu in MS Word format or PDF as one attachment, subject line: "Engie Scholarship". 

The student's full name and UID should appear at the top of each page of their.

  1. Current resume
  2. Cover letter that addresses interest in energy conversion (as described above)

Any questions can be sent to Dr. Roop at nroop@umd.edu.