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We know you have a big decision ahead of you, and we want to help! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for Admitted Students (below), or contact us at FutureEngineer@umd.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions for Admitted Students

Admissions & Enrollment

The deadline to confirm enrollment for first-year students admitted for fall 2025 is May 1. If you have questions about confirming enrollment, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at ApplyMaryland@umd.edu.

Students are required to submit final high school transcripts to confirm that they graduated high school. If there are any concerns or questions, the Undergraduate Admissions Office will reach out to the student. At this time, AP/IB credit is awarded if students receive a certain score on the exam. If you have any questions, contact Transfer Credit Services within the Registrar's Office at (301)-314-8240 or registrar-help@umd.edu

All enrollment deferrals must be approved by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. If your deferral is approved, your space in the Clark School will be available to you when you enroll.

We usually enroll around 800 - 850 first-year students each year. Please visit our website for more specific information on enrollment by major.



Admitted students who applied to the University of Maryland by the Early Action deadline are automatically considered for merit based scholarships offered by the University and scholarships offered by the A. James Clark School of Engineering. If a scholarship requires a separate application, we will notify admitted students.

We encourage students to research scholarships that are offered external to the University. There are additional resources available through the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Students can be awarded both University merit scholarships and Clark School Scholarships.

Yes. There are Clark School scholarships for four years (or eight semesters) and scholarships for shorter terms. The most common scholarship awarded to incoming students, the Clark Legacy Scholarship, is a two-year (or four semester) award. Once students enroll in the Clark School, they have the opportunity to apply annually for additional Clark School scholarships for our continuing students.

While some Clark School Scholarships, including our Clark Scholars Program, are specifically for in-state students, many others are available to both in-state and out-of-state students.

This varies by scholarship. All Clark Foundation Scholarships, including the Clark Scholars Program and Clark Legacy awards, require recipients to be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. There are other Clark School scholarships for new and continuing students that are available to international students; however, there are no scholarships which will cover all tuition and fees for international students.

This varies by scholarship. Student scholarship recipients are encouraged to contact us at FutureEngineer@umd.edu if they are interested in deferring a scholarship for a semester or more.



Yes. You can learn more at the Office of Student Orientation and Transition website.

We follow a strict seat management plan during orientation and try to provide students with the courses they need for their first semester. Sometimes courses can be pushed to the spring with no harm to the student’s graduation timeline.

The University of Maryland does not accept PLTW credits.

All new students will have the opportunity to speak with an advisor during orientation. The advisor will be able to see the student's specific academic records.


Math Placement Exam

ALL first year students, regardless of SAT or AP/IB scores, must take the Math Placement Test before coming to New Student Orientation. There are no exemptions from taking the Math Placement Test for first year students.

If students don't place in Calculus for their first semester, each Clark School department has a plan in place to help students stay on track for a four-year graduation.

The Mathematics Placement Test consists of 67 questions covering four main areas: arithmetic, algebra I, algebra II, and trigonometry.

Students will receive information regarding math placement as they register for orientation.  The math placement exam should be taken prior to attending orientation.


Engineering Courses and Research

The LSAMP Bridge Program offers incoming freshmen pursuing engineering an opportunity to receive academic and personal support through tutoring resources, math and science workshops, professional development and community.  As an LSAMP Bridge participant, a student is considered an active member of the nationwide LSAMP Alliance, with access to LSAMP Travel Award Program, LSAMP Undergraduate Research program, opportunities to attend various conferences and the LSAMP Bridge to Doctorate Program. 

Absolutely. In the first semester at UMD, students enroll in a course called Introduction to Engineering Design, ENES100. In this course, students gain hands-on experience by working on an engineering design project with 7-8 other students in the team. Please visit the Keystone Program website for a description of other introductory courses that embrace experiential learning. You’ll also have the opportunity to work in labs and conduct research in your upper level courses.

Class sizes vary. Most general courses that all engineering majors take (general chemistry, math, physics) have large lectures of around 100-200 people. But these large classes break out into discussion sections with teaching assistants. The discussion sections are about 20-30 people. Major specific courses will have fewer students, typically around 30 students depending on the major and class.

Just about any type of computer will be useful for engineering students. Our office of Engineering Information Technology recommends that computers have a solid state drive (SSD), which will improve overall performance.

Most importantly, get to know your faculty and our research facilities. Our faculty are eager to work with undergraduates on research projects. You can also learn more about the many research opportunities available to students on our website.


Majors, Minors, and Advising

Sample four year plans are available for each major. They assume no placement out of any major courses through AP exams. 

Our one-year retention for new first-year students is 87%, and our six-year graduation rate is about 76%, which rank us among the top at public flagship universities nationwide.

If you wish to declare a major or change a major before your orientation, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at ApplyMaryland@umd.edu. You will also have an opportunity to declare a major during orientation.

To declare a major after orientation, you will need to complete the Major Change Request Form and meet with an advisor in the new department. Undecided Engineering students in the Clark School are advised by the Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support Office.

Double degrees with other majors on campus is common. Likewise, students are free to select from the more than 80 minors on campus.

A double degree is possible in 4 years. Students sometimes need to complete summer and winter courses or credit overloads, but it is possible.

If a student changes their major within the first couple semesters, they are likely to not have to extend graduation because most majors take similar engineering courses and basic science courses. If you switch majors later, you may need more time.

Yes, students can take courses in their departmental major within the first year. 

The combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree (B.S./M.S.) Program is available only to current University of Maryland undergraduate students. Each major has different criteria and GPA requirements to apply for the program.


Living and Learning Communities

Absolutely. We encourage students to participate in the University of Maryland’s living and learning communities. Many of our students are members of living and learning communities while also taking part in many other activities such as competitions, clubs, societies, internships, and study abroad.

You can submit the Flexus and Virtus application before committing to the university. The priority deadline for Flexus and Virtus is April 4, 2022. Students who have applied by the priority deadline will be notified of their program acceptance beginning April 15, 2022.    

While it is possible to participate in both Flexus/Virtus and another living and learning community (LLC), living in Easton Hall with the Flexus/Virtus community is a requirement to participate in the program(s). If you desire to participate in both programs, you may, as long as the other program does not also require you to live there.  

This year, Flexus/Virtus admissions will preference students who were not admitted to other LLCs (i.e. CPS, Honors, etc). However, students who were admitted into other LLCs will be considered for admission if space is available.  

If you participate in Flexus/Virtus, you will be assigned to Easton Hall and placed with a roommate who is also a participant in the program.

Please see the message below from the Department of Residence Life in regards to roommate requests for participants in living and learning programs:

"We understand the importance of your roommate requests. Due to a variety of factors, roommate requests are never guaranteed. Resident Life will honor mutual roommate requests as space allows.  Roommate requests between students in different programs or between a student in a program and a roommate not in any program are less likely to be honored due to program residency requirements and space limitations. We will do what is possible, but please understand these limitations and consider other roommate options within your program."

Yes! WIE events, programs, and opportunities are open to all engineering students. 


Study Abroad

All scholarships provided by University of Maryland, including Banneker/Key, can be applied towards the costs of approved semester study abroad programs. In addition, most college savings plans and outside scholarships can be used towards the costs of studying abroad on approved programs.

Yes, there are many study abroad programs created specifically for each engineering major. All majors in the Clark School have the ability to study abroad for a semester and complete 12-15 credits towards degree requirements.

The prices vary based on location, whether you are in-state or out-of-state, and the type of program you enroll in. In most cases, studying abroad on an engineering sponsored semester program is similar to the cost of attendance at UMD, and in some cases is less expensive.


Internships, Co-Ops, and Career Services

Any type of internship experience is beneficial for students. At this point, employers don't expect you to know exactly what you want to do. You will learn more about what you are passionate about once you've completed more coursework and as you interact with employers who recruit at UMD.

Most internships are paid, which can assist students paying for their college tuition. The average salary is $25/hour, but it varies by major.

A co-op job is exactly like an internship except that you work full-time for a fall or spring semester in addition to the summer. Instead of registering for classes, you register for a 0-credit co-op class that never meets. This way "Co-op/Internship Work Experience" shows up on your transcript, and it doesn't look like you dropped out for the semester. You don't pay tuition either, just a $60 administrative fee. You can even live on-campus if your co-op job is local. Before accepting a co-op job, students need to meet with their academic advisor to see how taking off  a semester impacts their four-year academic plan. Students also need to contact the Financial Aid Office to defer their scholarships. You are not eligible for aid during a co-op semester since you are not paying tuition.

It can be challenging for freshmen to find an internship since they are competing with students who have had a lot more coursework. The most important thing for your freshman year is to study hard and try to get at least a 3.0 GPA since that will help you find an internship. You may also want to join a student competition group, conduct research, with a faculty member, or do some volunteer work to gain experience for your resume. The federal government also hires high school students and college freshmen, and you can use any family/friend connections you may have. This doesn't mean you can't look for an internship right away. We just don't want you to feel bad if it doesn't work out freshman year.


Extracurricular Activities

You'll have an opportunity to learn about the various clubs, societies, and organizations available to you through the University's First Look Fair and the Engineering First Look Fair, both in early September each year. You can learn more about many engineering societies and clubs on our website, and many departments also share information about clubs that relate to the major.

You are still able to join any clubs and organizations that you would like. Clubs often try to work around what is convenient for commuters because that constitutes a significant portion of members.

We have several competition teams where students from all over campus collaborate on a project. Some examples are Hyperloop Team, Solar Decathlon, and Engineers Without Borders. Students can also participate in leadership programs like Hinman CEOs and QUEST, in which students work together in interdisciplinary teams.

Engineers Without Borders is very popular at Maryland! Project meetings are open to all students. Students do not receive credit for participating in EWB. If you know you want to help the organization, but you are not sure how to or have any questions, contact us at ewbumd@gmail.com.