Below are links to the Exception to Policy forms available to students in the A. James Clark School of Engineering.  Students must select the Exception to Policy request form that best describes their academic situation.  

Please read the descriptions of exceptions carefully. Submitting the wrong form will result in a significant delay of a decision.

**NOTE: If you have not yet reviewed the Checklist and/or FAQs, please visit the Exceptions to Policy homepage by clicking above.

This request is to take more than the permitted credit limit for a given term. First-semester students (freshman and transfers) may only take 17 credit hours and may not submit an Exception to Policy request. After their first semester, students may register for a total of 18 credits in the fall or spring semester, a total of 8 credits per summer session and a total of 4 credits in the winter session. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher to be considered for a credit overload.

** IMPORTANT: Students seeking an exception for their second semester at UMD must wait until grades are posted before submitting this request as the request cannot be considered until a GPA at UMD has been established.

Credit Overload Request:

Between the end of the schedule adjustment period until a specified date during the 10th week of classes, students can drop up to four credits from their schedule with a W notation. This exception to policy is for students who wish to drop more than four credits.    

** IMPORTANT:  If you are receiving financial aid, live on campus, are an international student or student athlete, dropping below 12 credits may affect your financial aid status, housing for the following semester, visa status, athletic eligibility, and/or health insurance. Check with the appropriate office before taking this action.

Drop More than Four Credits:

This request is to add a course after the schedule adjustment period. Permission from the instructor must accompany this request; however, even with instructor approval, there is no guarantee that this request will be approved.

**IMPORTANT: Some courses may be restricted, require permission by the offering department, or need an over-subscription stamp if the course is closed. These restrictions must be resolved prior to submitting the request.

Late Add of a Course:

This request is to drop a course late after university deadlines. Students may request to either drop a course without a "W" or drop a course with a "W" after the final drop deadline (midway through the semester). 

**IMPORTANT: If you are receiving financial aid, scholarships, live on campus, are an international student or student athlete, dropping below 12 credits may affect your financial aid and/or scholarship status, housing for the following semester, visa status, athletic eligibility, and/or health insurance. Check with the appropriate office before taking this action.

Late Drop of a Course:

This request is for students who need to: 

  • take a course elsewhere within their last 30 credits at UMD
  • completed a course at another institution and are seeking retroactive permission, or 
  • planning to be dual enrolled at UMD and another institution - for new transfer students only.

**IMPORTANT: If you are seeking to take a course at another institution and do not meet these conditions, visit for the PTE form.

Permission to Enroll:

This request is for instances when class times conflict with other registered courses. Be prepared to explain how missed class time will be made up or accommodated.  

**IMPORTANT:  This form is only to be used PRIOR to the end of Schedule Adjustment. If seeking to add a course that has a time conflict after Schedule Adjustment, submit an Exception to Policy for a Late Add.

Register for a Time Conflict:
