Global Opportunities & Study Abroad

The Clark School offers global programs across all engineering majors. Students can spend up to a semester abroad and stay on track towards graduation. Experiences are curricularly aligned, affordable, and immersive!

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Curricular Leadership Experiences

The Office of Global Engineering Leadership offers a Minor in Global Engineering Leadership and a number of courses to support students in the development of global and inclusive leadership capacities. The minor program is open to students across the STEM disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online, and abroad. New courses offerings available for Summer 2020!

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The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Model for Experiential Learning creates long-term, large-scale projects that unite undergraduate education and faculty research, innovation, design, and entrepreneurship through multidisciplinary teams. "Vertically Integrated" refers to VIP team compositions, which typically include sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, post-docs, and faculty. 

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Engineering Student Organizations



Coming Soon !!




ClarkLEAD Onboarding Programs

New Clark School students develop leadership skills grounded in strengths-based leadership philosophy, teamwork, and shared values of diversity and inclusion through the ClarkLEAD onboarding experience!
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Learn more about how study abroad and leadership and service opportunities can add a whole new dimension to your engineering education.

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Bring an international perspective and a focus on leadership to your engineering education.
