Vertically Integrated Projects @ Maryland

VIP Model Teams Students Faculty FAQ Apply Now!

The VIP Program is the Next Revolution in Higher Education Research

The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Model for Experiential Learning creates long-term, large-scale projects that unite undergraduate education and faculty research, innovation, design, and entrepreneurship through multidisciplinary teams. "Vertically Integrated" refers to VIP team compositions, which typically include sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, post-docs, and faculty. 

Originally created at Georgia Tech and Purdue University, VIP has been making an impact for over 20 years at universities across the globe.

The University of Maryland, College Park is excited to pilot VIP on campus and expand our undergraduate research and exploration opportunities.

Submit Your Application Today!

The VIP Model

The VIP Model

The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program is a transformative approach to enhancing higher education by engaging undergraduate and graduate students in ambitious, long-term, large-scale, multidisciplinary project teams that are led by faculty. The program has been rigorously evaluated and refined over more than two decades. 

In VIP, teams of undergraduate students—from various years, disciplines and backgrounds—work with faculty and graduate students in their areas of scholarship and exploration. Undergraduate students earn academic credit for their work and have direct experience with the innovation process, while faculty and graduate students benefit from the extended efforts of their teams.

Creates long-term experiences with the innovation process

VIP extends project-based learning beyond a single semester, with students participating for up to three years.  It provides the time and context for students to gain deeper insights into their field of study, to learn and practice professional skills, to make substantial contributions to real-world projects, and to experience different roles on large, multidisciplinary teams.

Cultivates leadership & mentoring

The long-term nature of VIP creates an environment of mentorship, with faculty and graduate students mentoring teams, experienced students mentoring new members, and students moving into leadership roles as others graduate.

Supports faculty scholarship and exploration

VIP attracts students from many disciplines and enables the completion of ambitious projects, which strengthens and expands faculty scholarship and exploration. Faculty members create projects around their own interests, so they bring both expertise and enthusiasm to each team.

"This semester I loved my experience in a VIP program. It was great learning from my peers and getting to teach as well. It was particularly rewarding the days that I could see us all functioning as a unit. We communicated well and were able to even teach and learn from each other outside of just the class hours. I think I learned much more about advanced manufacturing techniques and design in general this semester. When we did our first test of the old tunnel design, creating a profile of the airflow together as a team. We each chose roles that fit our strengths and then were able to switch and try something else outside of our comfort zones. I think something that was helpful that people would do is offer to take a lead on something that others weren’t as certain about even if it was not for their sub group. This showed me that we all understand the work that we are each doing and it is easy to ask for help because most likely someone will know how to do something if you do not. I think anyone interested in a VIP program should do it because I have learned so much about our project, the people in our group, and different majors."  - Anna Dyson (ENME)

3D-Printed Video Game-Playing Soft Robots

Soft robots, made from flexible materials and fluidic systems, offer safe human-robot interactions but face control challenges. Sochol's BAM Lab aims to make 3D-printed soft robots more accessible by using affordable printers to create robots that can even play video games.

3D-Printed Video Game

Go with the Flow! Empowering Hands-on Fluid Dynamics Education

Formerly known as the Hands-On At-Home Fluids Projects, this team will help you revamp your fluid dynamics learning with personal, hands-on kits that bring the lab experience home. Dive into creative exploration and gain a deeper understanding with affordable, individual kits perfect for enthusiasts of remote-controlled vehicles and model design!

Fluids Projects

TerpTrails: A Bluetooth Navigation & Exploration App

Create a real-time location-based app to guide students and visitors with tours, event alerts, and personalized follow-ups based on their interests. Current goals include developing the prototype, exploring sensor tech, designing data collection, and conducting field tests, with students encouraged to innovate future use cases.


Engineering on the Edge of Space

Design, build, and fly experiments to the Edge of Space using weather balloons and rockets, aiming for high altitudes and meaningful data. Join us in our space engineering adventures and inspire the next generation through exciting outreach activities.

Edge of Space





Application Timeline 

All Maryland students can apply to a VIP team using the button above. When a student is accepted to a VIP team, they will receive enrollment instructions sent via email from the VIP team. 

Notes for Applicants 

  • New students are primarily selected based on motivation, interest, and commitment toward the project expressed through the application.
  • Most applications are accepted, unless the team is full. 
  • Contact the VIP team faculty mentor directly, or, to follow-up regarding an application.
  • Students must have completed at least two semesters of higher education and be in good standing at the University of Maryland at the time of submitting an application to join VIP. 
  • Students will be enrolled in the VIP course (VIPS 20X - 40X) based on their level within their degree program 

Variable Credit Structure 

The VIP Program operates on a variable credit structure in which all new students and most returning students enroll for one (1) credit per semester. Students who grow into positions of leadership and specialization may enroll for two (2) credits per semester. First time participants will generally enroll in the 1 credit course option.  

View the "How VIP Counts Towards My Major" tab to learn more.

Please note:

  • You can only apply to one team at a time.
  • If you are not approved (team already has too many students from your academic rank/major, etc.), you can apply to another team.
  • If you change your mind about which team you would like, either before or after you are approved, you can apply to join a different team, and the new application will replace the old one
  • VIP operates as a course. New students join at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters.
  • VIP is not offered in the summer, but continuing students may be able to continue their work in the summer through independent study with their instructor.

Time Conflicts

New students cannot have a time conflict with their team meeting. Please review the team page for course and lab meeting times.

Switching Teams

The VIP Program does not allow students to freely switch from team to team. As a disincentive, students are asked to take a one-semester break between participation on one team and another. Students seeking exception to this rule should provide a detailed explanation in the comments section in the online application.

We are working with departments to determine specific degree applicability. Many majors, including those in engineering, may be able to count VIP courses at the 300-400 level towards technical elective requirements by combining. Please discuss with your departmental advisor to determine how this may count this experience towards your degree. 

Specific degree applicability will be added to this webpage as it is confirmed by departments.


VIP is an undergraduate research initiative in which students work on multidisciplinary teams led by faculty, contributing to their research, innovation, and/or design efforts. Students earn 1 to 2 credits each semester, with two semesters “adding up” to a typical 3-credit hour course. Students can participate for multiple semesters/years, providing deeper learning experiences and leadership opportunities. The long-term nature of VIP creates an environment of mentorship, with faculty and graduate students mentoring teams, experienced students mentoring new members, and students moving into leadership roles as others graduate.

VIP involves a 1-hour team meeting (class) each week, plus time on the project outside of team meetings, and sub-team meetings. Time spent outside of class varies by the number of credit hours students register for, which is similar to the ratio for traditional courses.

Students who register for 1 credit hour can expect to spend about 2-3 hours outside of class working on their projects each week.

Students who register for 2 credit hours can expect to spend 4-6 hours outside of class working on their projects each week.

Students who register for 0 credit hours are paid by their instructor or another funding source to participate. They should see their instructors/sponsors for guidelines.

"Vertically Integrated" refers to VIP team compositions, which include sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, post-docs and faculty. For our pilot, we are focusing on recruiting undergraduate students and we hope to expand to recruiting graduate and post-doctoral students in the coming years. 

As we work to develop VIP at Maryland, we invite any sophomore, junior, and seniors to join! In the future we will expand to graduate students and post-docs. Students can apply while they are freshmen (i.e. spring of freshman year) to participate when they are sophomores (i.e. fall of sophomore year).  Students with substantial AP credit should think about whether they are taking sophomore-level courses within their major. If they are taking freshman-level courses, but have a lot of AP credit in other disciplines, they should wait until they are at a sophomore level within their own discipline.

Previous experience is not required, but willingness to learn and to work with others are musts.

All teams are multidisciplinary. A team led by a professor from Electrical Engineering may also include Aerospace Engineering and Business students. Further, teams are not restricted to "majors of interest" listed on the team information pages, so students can apply to any team in which they are interested. Be sure to understand any restrictions set by your department.

Balance of majors on the team, in addition to the balance of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 

The Office of Global Engineering Leadership is looking to hire undergraduate students who have experience in web editing and/or marketing to help maintain the VIP website and market VIP to the campus community! At this time, we are only able to hire undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Work Study. If you are interested in working with our office, please email our Program Manager for Experiential Learning, Aralia Ramirez, at

For further questions about VIP, please contact Aralia Ramirez, Program Manager for Experiential Learning, at
