Employer Services
Whether you’re in business or government, large or small, focused on electronics, energy, construction, bioengineering, nanotechnology, defense, or any other engineering field, the Clark School can help you obtain the cost-effective support you need from our highly capable students.
Employer services include on-line job postings, campus interviews, resumé database searches, information sessions, career fairs, networking receptions, employer-in-residence opportunities, and many more.
Why Choose Terps
Students in the Clark School of Engineering are among the most talented in the country. Our 4,043 undergraduate students entered with average SAT score of over 1400 and grade point averages over 4.3. Graduate students—numbering 1,968—enter with average GRE scores of over 1450. Each year more than 1,800 Clark School students participate in a co-op or internship opportunity, translating into graduates with hands-on, practical work experience.
The Clark School offers programs in aerospace, bioengineering, chemical, civil and environmental, electrical and computer, fire protection, materials, mechanical, systems, telecommunications, reliability, and project management. Women represent 23 percent of our student enrollment and 12 percent of our students are under-represented minorities.
Get in touch
Veronica Perrigan
Director, Engineering Career Services
(301) 405-3862 | vperriga@umd.edu