Any students entering the A. James Clark School of Engineering as an incoming freshmen are able to choose Undecided Engineering as their major for the first three semesters.  After their third semester, students will need to declare a major within engineering.
There are multiple reasons why a student could be undecided, but the most frequent answer is that they are seeking further information to make an informed decision.

Undecided Engineering students may need more time to:

  • Assess his/her own goals, interests, and abilities
  • Become aware of majors offered
  • Evaluate majors offered
  • Explore the job market
What is undecided (undeclared) engineering?
Students directly admitted to the Clark School of Engineering who would like additional time to explore the variety of engineering majors we have to offer can select undecided engineering before declaring their major. Engineering students are encouraged to select their major as soon as possible but must choose no later than the end of the third semester.  Please know your interests and goals may shift over time so this path may provide the most flexibility.
When should undecided engineering students declare a major at UMD?
Undecided engineering students have three semesters to declare a major.  At any point prior to the fourth term, students who wish change their major should submit a request for Declaring/Changing major within Engineering.  
Where do undecided engineering students go for advising and/or assistance?
Undecided engineering students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor and should reach out to Engineering Academic Services for assistance by calling (301) 405-9973 and requesting an appointment. Undecided engineering students will be required to meet with one of our advising team members to have their mandatory advising block (hold) removed.
What classes might I enroll in as an undecided engineering student?
The freshman and sophomore years in engineering are designed to lay a strong foundation in mathematics, physical sciences, and the engineering sciences upon which the student will later develop a professional program during the upper division (junior and senior) years. During the first two years, students are introduced to the concepts of engineering design and work in multidisciplinary teams. The School course requirements for the freshman and sophomore years are similar for all students, regardless of their intended academic program, thus affording the student maximum flexibility in choosing a specific engineering specialization. For an overview of all of our curriculum, please visit our Four-Year Plan website.