Maryland Engineering Study Abroad Scholarships

Student Stories

Recipient of the Jane Fines Fund for Global Experiences

Name: Julia DiAngelo

Major: Aerospace Engineering

"I am extremely grateful to have been a recipient of the Jane Fines Fund for Global Experiences. This scholarship has helped relieve the financial burden of studying abroad and given me the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience another way of life. I have been greatly enjoying my time attending a new university and experiencing Spanish culture!"

Recipient of the Sharon L. Marlin Scholarship

Name: Chris Colasanti

MajorCivil Engineering

"In every step of the study abroad process I have always mentioned how excited I am to view historical areas in Madrid and the surrounding cities. Despite being an engineer, learning about the history of other cultures and viewing historical architecture has always been a hobby of mine. This scholarship has allowed me to study abroad and take my hobby from books and pictures to a firsthand experience. This past week I was able to take a day trip to Toledo which is a historical city that has an art and architectural influence from a variety of cultures. Toledo housed some of the most beautiful buildings and landscapes that I have ever seen."

Recipient of the Sharon L. Marlin Scholarship

Name: Sofia Asuncion

Major: Aerospace Engineering

"I am honored to receive the Sharon L. Marlin Memorial Study Abroad Current-Use Scholarship in Engineering and am thankful for the opportunity it has given me to study abroad. This support has allowed me to step into a new country with more confidence and financial security. Preparation for the abroad semester easily progressed as I knew my financial situation had improved, further allowing me to focus on safe transportation and housing. With such a scholarship, I can confidently accept the exciting opportunity to experience a new culture, country, and community."

Recipient of the Sharon L. Marlin Scholarship

Name: Francesca Sciarretta

Major: Aerospace Engineering

"This scholarship helped make my time abroad possible, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to do this life-changing program. Studying abroad gave me lifelong friends and new experiences that have impacted my life in the best way, and I am so thankful to have gone on that journey!"

Maryland Engineering Abroad Scholarship Opportunities

Ready to take your engineering education global? Introducing the Maryland Engineering Go Global Fund from the A. James Clark School of Engineering! This prestigious $4,000 award opens doors to transformative study abroad experiences. Whether you dream of a semester immersed in cutting-edge engineering programs abroad or a short-term international adventure, this scholarship supports your journey.

As a Go Global Engineering Fellow, you'll be part of a dynamic cohort of visionary engineers, united by a passion for tackling global challenges. Discover Maryland Engineering's Global Programs and unleash your potential to engineer solutions across cultures and borders. Visit the Engineering Abroad Website to uncover the endless possibilities awaiting you with the Maryland Engineering Go Global Fund.

The Tommy Scholl Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established in December 2023. This fund provides need-based scholarships for undergraduate students who are participating in a Clark School-affiliated study abroad program in the A. James Clark School of Engineering.

Studying abroad as an undergraduate Terp can be one of the most enriching and horizon-broadening parts of a student's time at UMD. This scholarship endeavors to break down the financial barriers that may discourage engineering students from pursuing a robust Study Abroad experience.

  • Requirements:
    • Need-based,
    • Undergraduate,
    • Must be enrolled in the A. James Clark School of Engineering 
    • Must be junior or senior,
    • Must be participating in a Clark School affiliated study abroad program

Students are selected for this scholarship as part of their overall study abroad application. All students who complete the study abroad scholarship application in MyEA and meet the requirements above are considered.

Jane Fines established the Jane F. Fines Fund for Global Experiences in September 2003 to support undergraduate engineering students in their experiences abroad. Jane Fines believed that study and work abroad experiences have a profound effect on the lives of engineering students. As a scholarship recipient herself, she hoped to provide assistance to engineering students who want to expand their perspective in engineering through a valuable global adventure.

  • Requirements:
    • Merit-based;
    • Undergraduate;
    • Must be enrolled in the A. James Clark School of Engineering;
    • Must be students participating in engineering related internships abroad, conducting engineering related research abroad or attending engineering related international conferences with priority given to students participating in the Clark School/UMD affiliated programs

Students are selected for this scholarship as part of their overall study abroad application. All students who complete the study abroad scholarship application in MyEA and meet the requirements above are considered.

This fund supports undergraduate students at the A. James Clark School of Engineering who are committed to enhancing diversity in engineering and expanding their own global horizons. Recipients benefit from need-based financial support towards transformative study abroad experiences that enrich their academic journey.

  • Requirements:
    • Need-based;
    • Undergraduate;
    • Must be in the A. James Clark School of Engineering;
    • Must be participating in a Clark School study abroad program;
    • Preference is given to first-generation students

Students are selected for this scholarship as part of their overall study abroad application. All students who complete the study abroad scholarship application in MyEA and meet the requirements above are considered.

The Office of Global Engineering Leadership supports up to 20 students a year to participate in the DTU Green Challenge as part of their engagement in ENCE489J: Engaging in Grand Engineering Challenges Across Cultures! This unique globally focused design course (ENCE489J) offered in the spring semester paired with a global engineering competition in Denmark in June, the DTU Green Challenge--a sustainability focused competition at DTU designed to ensure that future engineers integrate aspects of sustainability, climate technology, and the environment in their work. Learn more HERE.

Maryland Engineering provide support for:

  • ~$1,000 travel stipend for participants with demonstrated financial need
  • Hostel accommodations
  • Group meals and cultural activities
  • Intercultural engagement both on-campus and abroad
