All tutoring services mentioned below are free.

Subject-Specific Resources

Sigma Gamma Tau National Aerospace Honor Society--UMD Chapter: Free, one-on-one tutoring in all 100 and 200 level MATH; PHYS; CHEM; & ENES courses required for Aerospace Engineering major as well as all 300 level ENAE courses. Contact and for more information.

Academic Match Tutoring: This service offers small group tutoring in which upperclassmen UMD students serve as tutors for underclass aerospace engineering students in major required courses. Each tutor meets for 2 hrs/week at the same day and time with a small group of 2-5 students for the duration of the academic semester. The list of courses changes each semester depending on tutors. Contact for more information.

Keystone Tutoring Program: Tutoring is available in the Keystone Center for CHEM135. Availability may vary; please visit their website for details.

Eta Kappa Nu: The Electrical Engineering Honor Society- For more information, contact staff in the ECE Undergraduate Office (301-405-3685, 2429 A.V. Williams Building) or in the ECE Undergraduate Lounge (Engineering Classroom Building, room 1369).

Need a tutor?  Visit the ECE tutoring page:

Salamander: The Fire Protection Engineering Honor Society-For more information, contact Ms. Nicole Hollywood (301-405-3994, 3106 JM Patterson Building).

The Keystone Center is located in 2108 J. M. Patterson. Hours vary by semester, so please visit their website for the most current information.

Department of Mathematics Tutoring: Mathematics tutoring is available in Oakland Hall in the North Campus Community Office and Academic Enrichment Center. Please see their website for a tutoring schedule.

Math Success Program: The Math Success Program provides free, drop-in math coaching services to all students. 

Math Department Authorized Test Bank of Previous Exams: Use this online resource to search for exams from previous semesters.

MATLAB Tutoring: MATLAB Tutoring is available in the WAM lab-PG-2 computer lab. Please visit their website for their current hours.

Keystone Tutoring Program: Tutoring is available in the Keystone Center for MATH140, MATH141, MATH241, and MATH246.  Availability may vary; please visit their website for details.

HelpME! Center: Current Teaching Fellows are available to assist with ENME courses. HelpME! is open Sunday and Wednesday nights from 5-7pm throughout the semester and is located in Glenn L. Martin Hall 3109. For a list of dates and topics available each week visit your Canvas (ELMS) calendar. Contact with questions.

Pi Tau Sigma: The Mechanical Engineering Honor Society - For more information, contact staff in the ME Undergraduate Office (301) 405-2410, 2181 Glenn L. Martin Hall.

Department of Physics Slawsky Clinic: The Slawsky Clinic, located in rooms 1208 and 1214 of the Physics Building, offers free tutoring from volunteer senior professional physicists. Please see their website for the current schedule.

Campus Study Spaces

Finding your favorite place to study can be difficult.  It is best to know yourself and the type of environment you are most productive.  Think about whether you enjoy noise in the background or silence. Do you like studying in group settings or by yourself?  When it is nice outside, would you prefer to study outside instead of inside?

Here is a list of Campus Study Spaces separated by their location on campus; North Campus, Central Campus and South Campus.  This list is a great way to find a study space(s) on campus that work best for you and your studying needs.

General Resources

Academic Achievement Programs (AAP): Academic Success & Tutorial Services (ASTS) tutors are eager to assist you with a variety of challenging courses in BSCI, CHEM, CMNS, and MATH. For questions, contact Christal Dimas at or 301-405-4745.

Academic Peer Coaching for Transfer Students: Academic Peer Coaching provides undergraduate students in the A. James Clark School of Engineering the opportunity to connect with a peer.

With a coach, you can discuss: 

  • Strategies for navitating your semester coursework
  • Time management
  • Note taking skills
  • Test preparation and test anxiety
  • Wellness resources
  • Tutoring options
  • Goal setting

Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education: OMSE is located in 1101 Hornbake Library. Hours vary by semester, so please visit their website for the most current information.

Oral Communication Center: Housed in the Department of Communication, the OCC offers support for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff who seek to improve their communication skills for success in academic, professional, civic, and social contexts.  Visit their website for hours and information.  

The purpose of study skills workshops is to provide students  with the skill development tools to succeed academically.  This is a great opportunity to learn and/or improve study skills that will assist you in achieving and/or maintaining your grades and overall GPA.

Motivation and Goal Setting

The motivation and goal setting workshop is designed to provide you with strategies to identify factors that contribute to your motivation and how to utilize them in order to set measurable goals.  You will learn how to effectively set goals and how doing so will help you in creating a more positive college experience.

Overcoming Procrastination

The overcoming procrastination workshop is designed to provide you with strategies on how to utilize tools in order to start, persist, and complete tasks and goals in order to succeed academically.  You will learn how to reduce distractions that cause you to put these tasks/goals off and how to take control of you success.

Managing Academic Anxiety

The managing academic anxiety workshop is designed to provide information regarding the different types of stress and how various stressors can lead to academic anxiety.  You will hear about techniques you can utilize to identify , avoid and cope with everyday stressors in order to be successful academically.

Study Skills for Success

The study skills for success workshop is designed to provide you with skills to assist you in being successful academically.  You will learn how to be alert, involved and prepared for classes, as well as the importance of attending class, being on time, sitting up front and getting to know your classmates/professors.

PDF iconStudy Skills for Success Workshop

Time Management

The time management workshop is designed to provide you with strategies to manage your time wisely.  You will learn the importance of time management and why it matters, as well as strategies such as creating to-do-lists, keeping calendars and scheduling your study time will help you stay on track and achieve good grades.

Time Management Workshop

Preparing for Exams

The preparing for exams workshop is designed to provide you with information on how to be successful on exams/quizzes throughout the semester.  You will learn the importance of starting to prepare early for the exams, how to decide what to study and creating a study schedule.

Preparing for Exams Workshop

Note Taking

The note taking workshop is designed to inform you of what note taking is, why you should take notes and why effective note taking skills are important to academic success.  You will learn strategies to assist you with note taking before, during and after class, as well as five different note taking techniques.

Note Taking Workshop

Preparing for Finals

The preparing for finals workshop is designed to provide you with tools to be successful on final exams.  Many final exams are different from exams throughout the semester as they are cumulative rather than a portion of the content.   You will learn strategies for staying focused and relaxed, not getting distracted, and reviewing your work.

Preparing for Finals Workshop is a website that guides students to tutoring services and a wide range of academic resources available on campus, from our peer institutions, and other non-university websites.  Topics include: tutoring by subject, procrastination, time management, note-taking skills, test-taking skills, study skills, and much more! 

WIE Tutoring Services
All are welcome to take advantage of free tutoring services offered through the Women in Engineering Program. During the Spring 2021 semester, all tutoring sessions will be conducted online via Zoom in individual appointments with our tutors. Please see this link for more information about scheduling:

WIE Technical Workshops
In collaboration with Terrapin Works, the Women in Engineering Program is excited to continue offering free virtual technical workshops available for all Clark students this Spring 2021. Students can gain hands-on exposure to topics such as computer aided design (CAD) and arduino - RGB Sensor and LEDs.
Workshop offerings are advertised in our weekly newsletter (WIE FYI) and on our WIE calendar on our website.

Peer Mentoring Program for Spring Transfer Students
All incoming first-year and new external transfer students who join the program will be assigned a peer mentor along with other new students (typically of the same major). New students studying engineering are invited to participate in the WIE Peer Mentoring Program anytime throughout the spring 2021 semester by completing the WIE Peer Mentoring Program signup form.

Writing Center: The Writing Center provides opportunities for UMD's undergraduate student body to improve their writing, research, and critical thinking skills. Appointments can be scheduled by visiting their website. For questions, call 301-405-3758 or email

Graduate students who want to improve their writing skills may also use the Graduate School Writing Center.