Engineering Academic Services provides transfer student advising and admission support to all students. Our office provides transfer students with the following resources:

  • Pre-Transfer Advising
  • Transfer Credit Assistance
  • Engineering Transfer Student Admissions Information
  • Transfer Student New Student Orientation
  • Transfer Student Engagement

Advising Availability

Our transfer advisor is available to meet with students via appointment and during drop-in hours. Appointments can be scheduled using the Google Calendar linked here:

Prospective transfer student drop-in advising for the spring 2024 semester have concluded. Updated hours for the fall semester will be posted to the website in late August. Advising will be available throughout the summer via appointment.

Students in participating schools may benefit from additional advising resources through the Engineering Transfer Recruitment Opportunity. Click here to learn more about the ENTRY Program.

 Contact an Advisor:
 Dr. Shannon Hayes Buenaflor
Program Director for Transfer Initiatives 
Engineering Academic Services |
 P: 301-405-9973

 1131S Glenn L. Martin Hall
 4298 Campus Drive
 College Park, MD 20742

