All students in the Clark School of Engineering must develop a graduation plan, which maps out all courses needed to graduate within your intended major. This website includes sample plans listed below. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining your plans in consultation with your departmental advisor (once a major has been declared) or the Office of Engineering Academic Services (EAS) if you are an undecided engineering student.

Graduation Plan Templates for The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD)

Please use the templates below as a starting point to creating your own Graduation Plan. Each link is a PDF document that assumes the student will begin as a freshman who will take MATH140.

*Note that years listed on the curriculum sheets below indicate the semester in which a student is admitted into the specific engineering major.

For details, please contact your academic advisor.

Graduation Plan Templates for The Universities at Shady Grove (USG)

Please use the templates below as a starting point to creating your own Academic Plan. For details, please contact your academic advisor at The Universities at Shady Grove 9630 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, MD 20850

Biocomputational Engineering -
Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering -
Mechatronics -