Shravan Suresh
Class of 2027
Major: Mechanical Engineering
What motivated you to become a ClarkLEADER?
At ClarkLEAD, lots of information was provided to us that helped me learn more about my upcoming experience and certain actions that I would need to take in certain situations. I was also taught some lessons that would help me realize what to think in certain situations. Most importantly, I believe ClarkLEAD could use some improvements, which I hope to suggest and see as a ClarkLEADER.
What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you think new students should know about?
There are many organizations and activities, and the most important places to learn about them and join are Terplink and the First Look Fair. My main piece of advise is to be brave and join as many activities and organizations as possible, and then see which ones work best.
If you attended ClarkLEAD as a first-year student, what did you enjoy most about the event?
I enjoyed the welcoming nature and openness of ClarkLEAD.
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students?
Form study groups at the start of the school year. There will be many tough classes in which you will need help, and failure to form study groups might make you over-reliant on the teachers and TAs. Do not get demotivated by those types of classes. For me, one of the tough classes was CHEM135, for which I strongly recommend forming study groups.