To enter a poster or oral presentation recording, we request that you submit an abstract of your presentation to be included in our program. For continuity and formatting in the program, we request that the following guidelines be used when composing your abstract:
- Abstract title should be Calibri font (with proper formatting), bold typed, and centered.
- Author names and addresses should be in regular text.
- Presenting author’s name should be in bold font and indicated by an asterisk (*
- Author affiliation, city, and state should be included and indicated by numbers where necessary and centered.
- Abstract should contain no more than 2500 characters.
- Use Calibri 12 point font.
- Use 1 inch margins.
- Text should be single spaced.
- Text should be justified with no indentations for new paragraphs.
- The preferred file format is Microsoft Word.
Abstracts should contain the following information: Brief introduction of topic, study objectives, rationale for the study, and the future directions from the present study. Please do not list references in the abstract text. Abstracts exceeding the 2500 characters, including the title and all the relevant information will not be accepted.
To submit an abstract, click here. Please save and submit your file under the filename: Yourlastname_Yourfirstname_Abstract.doc for all abstracts.