Faculty Directory

Lee, C.H.

Lee, C.H.

Professor Emeritus
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2321 A.V. Williams Bldg


Chi H. Lee is currently a Professor Emeritus of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park. He received B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the National Taiwan University in 1959. He received the Ph.D degree from Harvard University in Applied Physics in 1968.

Dr. Lee is a nationally and internationally known expert on ultrafast phenomena. He is a pioneer in developing the synchronously mode-locked dye lasers. He is also a pioneer on the study of the picosecond photoconductivity effect in semiconductors. He is leading a field of developing ultrafast optoelectronic devices, and in optically controlled millimeter-waves. His fields of specialization include: Picosecond optical electronics, lasers and nonlinear optics, millimeter-wave technology, ultrafast phenomena and microwave photonics.

He has published more than 300 papers in these areas. Dr. Lee is the editor of three books: (1) Picosecond Optoelectronic Device, Academic Press (1984), (2) Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, co-editors: Monrou and Bloom, Springer-Verlag (1985), (3) Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics II, co-editors: F.J. Leonberger, F.Capasso and H. Morkoc, (1987).

He was the chairman of the technical committee on lightwave technology in the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) Society. He was the program co-chair of the topical meeting on "Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics" in 1985 and 1987. He was the general co-chairs of the International Meeting on "Microwave Photonics" in 1998. He served as the chairman of the Steering Committee of the International Microwave Photonics Meeting for 1999. He has been the chairman of the IEEE/LEOS technical committee on Microwave Photonics from 1997-2003. He also served as one of the guest editors of the special issue on Microwave Photonics for the Journal of Lightwave Technology in the December, 2003 issue. He was the general chair of the IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Photonics Time/Frequency Measurements and Controls, July 14-16, 2003 in Vancouver, Canada. Currently he is on the steering committee of the Journal of Lightwave Technology.

Dr. Lee is a Fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America and the Photonic Society of the Chinese American.

Quantum Electronics, Nonlinear Optics

Three BIOE Students Receive 2024-2025 MPower Graduate Fellowships

Ph.D. students Kathleen Trang, Rohey Colley, and Tianfeng Miao receive 2024-2025 MPower Graduate Fellowships.

Ingestible Capsule Advances May Lead to Earlier Detection of Diseases

Research published in "Microsystems and Nanoengineering" journal

State-of-the-Art 3D Nanoprinter Now at UMD

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Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month

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Agents of Positive Change: Highlighting Women Maryland Engineers

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NAMRI Honors Jay Lee With Outstanding Paper Award

UMD professor’s work could help spur use of blockchain in manufacturing.

24 Teams Present at BIOE Capstone Competition Including First BCE Students

On May 8, 2023, 24 teams presented novel designs at the BIOE Capstone Design Competition.

Device That Harvests Water From Air Named Top UMD Invention of the Year

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Grant Awarded for Study of Climate-Induced Septic Tank Failures

A research team led by UMD’s Allison Reilly examines a growing hazard.

Roll Over, Paper Towels: UMD Researchers Create Picker-Upper That's Even Quicker

Hydrogel sheets can absorb 100 times their weight in water

Katz Named ACM Fellow

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Incentive Awards Program, Engineering Lab Building Named for Mote

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From Innovation to Inauguration

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Doyenne Reliability Engineering Program

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Data-Driven Research, Pandemic Impact Highlighted at TRB

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14 Mtech-affiliated companies named to Maryland’s list of 20 hottest innovative start-ups

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Three Engineering Students Named Philip Merrill Presidential Scholars

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American Helicopter Museum Honors UMD Organ Flight

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Navigating the "New Normal": A Role for UAS

COVID-19 has demonstrated possible future uses in public health emergencies, writes UMD's Matt Scassero.

UMIACS Faculty Adapting to Online-Only Research Activities

During the COVID-19 crisis, UMIACS researchers are using online resources to advance research.

Clark School faculty 'AIM-HI' to address major health challenges

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COVID-19: Researchers Use Location Data to Gauge Impact

Team is developing methods that can aid preparation and planning.

COVID-19: Aerospace Engineers Contribute Needed Supplies

The department provided a University of Maryland School of Medicine practice with masks, goggles and other items.

2020 Energy Seed Grants Awarded

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Four BIOE Ph.D. Students Awarded NIH Fellowships

Students recognized for research in vaccine design, surgical sealants, pulmonary diseases, and multiple sclerosis. 

Spacecraft carrying Adomaitis thin film experiment docks with the International Space Station

The experiment will travel on the ISS for a year, exposing samples to the environment of low earth orbit.

UMD Celebrates Invention of Year Winners, Ventures, and Partnerships at 'Innovate Maryland'

An electric vehicle charger innovation takes home top honors for Invention of Year.

Improving speech intelligibility testing with new EEG methods

Tests developed at KU Leuven and the University of Maryland could result in better diagnoses for patients with speech comprehension issues.

CEE Experts Active at TRB 97th Annual Meeting

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University of Maryland Wind Tunnel Media Day, July 8

University of Maryland offers reporters the chance to experience hurricane-force winds firsthand.

University of Maryland Wind Tunnel Media Day

University of Maryland offers reporters chance to experience first-hand what hurricane winds really feel like.

Members of NEES Gather for 2015 Spring Accomplishment Meeting

Poster session, in-depth discussions, presentations.... and hiking

Clark School Students Named ARCS Scholars

Five engineering students win ARCS scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Beyond “Six Nines”: Ultra-enriched Silicon for Quantum Computing

MSE student part of NIST team pursuing near-perfect crystals.

Department of Energy renews NEES EFRC for four years

The center develops highly ordered nanostructures that offer a unique way of looking at the science of energy storage.

BioE Capstone 2014: New Projects Focus on Cardiological Health, Surgical Tools and More

Students' inventions range from diagnostic devices to accident prevention products.

UMD Undergrads Impress IBM, Industry Pros at QUEST Case Competition

Students compete in multidisciplinary teams to develop ideas for implementing the Watson Engagement Advisor.

UMD Alumni Hatch Sub-$300 Consumer 3D Printer, Raise $3.3 Million on Kickstarter

Alumni-founded company races past $50,000 goal in 11 minutes, hits $1 million in 25 hours.

NSF-Backed DC I-Corps Kicks Off First Cohort with 20 Federal Laboratory, University and Regional Inventors, Entrepreneur Teams

The Silicon Valley-tested, Lean Startup-based initiative is slated to train 300 top entrepreneurial research teams over three years.

Clark School Welcomes New Faculty

Ten new faculty members join the Clark School for the 2013-2014 school year.

Cyber Symposium Tackles Policy, Tech, Privacy & More - May 14-15

Maryland Cybersecurity Center showcase event features speakers from academia, private sector, government.

Ephremides Named Distinguished University Professor

ECE Professor receives highest academic honor conferred by the University of Maryland.

UM $75K Business Plan Competition Winners Announced

Clark School teams win alumni category, Warren Citrin Social Impact Award.

UM $75K Biz Plan Competition Winners Announced

Speech software from Clark School's Espy-Wilson wins top prize, Citrin Award.

UMERC/Nanocenter Team Named "Energy Frontier" Center

DOE to award $14M for nanotech storage technology crucial to renewable energy success.

Clark School Sweeps OTC Awards

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Clark School Accomplishments Spring 2002

A list of Clark school accomplishments for Spring 2002