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CEE Experts Active at TRB 97th Annual Meeting

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) faculty, staff, and students again had a strong presence this year at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, held January 7–11, 2018 in Washington, D.C.
National Transportation Center (NTC@Maryland) Director Lei Zhang, along with University of Maryland graduate students Arefeh Nasri and Hannah Younes, presented their analysis of bikesharing programs in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C. The models created for “Multi-Level Urban Form and Bikesharing: Insights from Five Bike Share Programs Across the United States” could help municipalities across the country improve and expand existing bikesharing programs or launch new programs more successfully.
For “Analyzing Impact of I-85 Bridge Collapse On Regional Travel in Atlanta,” Masoud Hamedi, Sepideh Eshragh, Mark Franz, and Przemyslaw Sekula of the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) tapped into minute-by-minute probe data for the Atlanta network collected before, during, and after the notorious collapse and subsequent repair. Their results show that the system has resumed normal operations despite major upsets following the March 30, 2017 event.
CATT Lab experts also offered several “rapid fire” updates on probe data analytics during the Performance Measurement Committee meeting January 9.
Additionally, Sandra Knight, senior research engineer with the Center for Disaster Resilience, chaired a meeting of the planning committee for the Fifth Biennial Marine Transportation System Research and Technology Conference. Organized by TRB, the June conference will identify research gaps and technology gains needed to improve the efficacy of freight flow. A call for presentations is open through March 2, 2018.
And NTC@Maryland and CEE again hosted a special reception on January 8, drawing transportation researchers, agency officials, and industry representatives.
The lists below highlight additional CEE contributions.
Committees/subcommittees chaired:
- ASCE Geo-Institute Pavements Committee (held in conjunction with TRB), Charles Schwartz presiding
- Joint Meeting of the RTSMO Data for Transportation Operations Subcommittee and Measuring and Quantifying Performance Subcommittee, Nikola Ivanov and Robert Winick presiding
- Joint Meeting of the RTSMO Subcommittee Chairs and Research Needs Subcommittee, Thomas Jacobs presiding
- Operations and Preservation Group Young Professional Subcommittee, Nikola Ivanov presiding
- Visualization in Transportation Committee, Michael Pack and Patricia Hu presiding
- An Arterial-Based Transit Signal Priority Control System, Hyeonmi Kim, Yao Cheng, and Gang-Len Chang
- A Conflation Methodology for Two GIS Roadway Networks and Its Application in Performance Measurements, Farzad Daneshgar, Kaveh Farokhi, and Ali Haghani
- A Cross-Vendor and Cross-State Analysis of the GPS-Probe Data Latency, Zhonxiang Wang, Masoud Hamedi, Elham Sharifi, and Stanley Young
- A Knowledge-Based System for Estimating Incident Clearance Duration for Maryland I-95, Minsu Won, Hyeonmi Kim, and Gang-Len Chang
- Application of Economic Analysis in Emerging Transportation Systems, Yanshuo Sun and Lei Zhang
- Coupled Approximation of U.S. Driving Speed and Volume Statistics Using Spatial Conflation and Temporal Disaggregation, Kartik Kaushik and Eric Wood
- Development of Structural Design Guidelines for Porous Asphalt Pavement, Kevin Hall and Charles Schwartz
- Field Evaluation of the Dilemma Zone Protection System at Suburban Intersections, Sung Park, Chien-Lun Lan, Ranteg Rao, and Gang-Len Chang
- Review of Handback Experience with Public-Private Partnerships, Qingbin Cui, Marcel Ham, Patrick DeCorla-Souza, and Emma Weaver
- Selecting and Scheduling Link and Intersection Improvements in Urban Networks, Uros Jovanovic, Elham Shayanfar, and Paul Schonfeld
- Transferring Time-Series Discrete Choice to Link-Based Route Choice in Space: Estimating Vehicle-Type Preference Using Recursive Logit Model, Fabian Bastin, Yan Liu, Cinzia Cirillo, and Tien Mai
- Transit, Transportation Network Companies, and Taxis: Coexisting, Cooperating, and Competing, Yanshuo Sun, and Lei Zhang
- A Conflation Methodology for Two GIS Roadway Networks and Its Application in Performance Measurements, Farzad Daneshgar, Kaveh Farokhi, and Ali Haghani
- A Cross-Vendor and Cross-State Analysis of the GPS-Probe Data Latency, Zhongxiang Wang, Masoud Hamedi, Elham Sharifi, and Stanley Young
- A Dynamic Approach Toward Stochastic Departure Time Choices Using a Linked Data Set, Han Dong and Cinzia Cirillo
- A Feasibility Study for Last-Mile Synergies Between Passenger and Freight Transport for an Urban Area, Moschoula Pternea, Chien-Lun Lan, Ali Haghani, and Shih-Miao Chin
- A Joint-Revealed and Stated Preference Analysis of Travel Behavioral Responses to Monetary Incentives, Jun Zhao, Chenfeng Xiong, and Lei Zhang
- A Knowledge-Based System for Estimating Incident Clearance Duration for Maryland I-95, Minsu Won, Hyeonmi Kim, and Gang-Len Chang
- A Proposed Generalized Framework for the Identification of Contributing Factors Which Affect Hazardous Traffic Conditions On Freeways, Hyoseuk Chang, Ali Haghani, and Farzad Daneshgar
- An Arterial-Based Transit Signal Priority Control System, Hyeonmi Kim, Yao Cheng, and Gang-Len Chang
- An Integrated, Validated, and Applied Activity Based-DTA Model for the Baltimore-Washington Region, Lei Zhang, Di Yang, Sepehr Ghader, Carlos Carrion, Chenfeng Xiong, Thomas Rossi, Martin Milkovits, Subrat Mahapatra, and Charles Baber
- An Iterative School Decomposition Algorithm for Solving the Multi–School Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem, Zhongxiang Wang, Ali Shafahi, and Ali Haghani
- Analyzing the Impact of Median Treatment on Bicyclist/Pedestrian Safety, Sepehr Ghader, Arash Asadabadi, Mark Franz, and Lei Zhang
- Application of Economic Analysis in Emerging Transportation Systems, Yanshuo Sun and Lei Zhang
- Application of Vehicle Probe Data in Estimating Traffic Volumes: A Maryland Case Study, Przemysław Sekuła, Nikola Marković, Zachary Vander Laan, and Kaveh Farokhi Sadabadi
- Applications and Visualization of O-D and Trajectory Data, Mark Franz
- Autoregressive Continuous Logit: Formulation and Application to Time-Of-Day Choice Modeling, Sepehr Ghader, Carlos Carrion, and Lei Zhang
- Balanced Scheduling of School Bus Trips Using a Perfect Matching Heuristic, Ali Shafahi, Sanaz Aliari, and Ali Haghani
- Baltimore-Washington Integrated Corridor Management Pilot Project, Masoud Hamedi, Thomas Jacobs, Subrat Mahapatra, and Eileen Singleton
- Comparative Evaluation of Mechanical Performance of Steel Slag and Earthen Granular Aggregates, Asli Yalcin Dayioglu, Mustafa Hatipoglu, and Ahmet Aydilek
- Comprehensive Plug-and-Play Methodology for Multimodal Travel Trend Analysis at a Metropolitan Level Utilizing Only Public Domain Data, Bo Peng, Yixuan Pan, Shanjiang Zhu, Minha Lee, Weiyi Zhou, and Lei Zhang
- Coupled Approximation of U.S. Driving Speed and Volume Statistics Using Spatial Conflation and Temporal Disaggregation, Kartik Kaushik and Eric Wood
- Development of Structural Design Guidelines for Porous Asphalt Pavement, Kevin Hall and Charles Schwartz
- Drone Deliveries Optimization with Battery Energy Constraints, Youngmin Choi and Paul Schonfeld
- Evaluation of Public Opinion on Tolling: A Social Media Approach, Qingbin Cui
- Field Evaluation of the Dilemma Zone Protection System at Suburban Intersections, Sung Park, Chien-Lun Lan, Ranteg Rao, and Gang-Len Chang
- Greenhouse Gas Impact of Project Delivery Systems: Comparison of Methods and Tools, Xiaoyu Liu and Qingbin Cui
- Hybrid Choice Framework for Time-of-Day Choice in Trip-Base Models, Sepehr Ghader, Aref Darzi, and Lei Zhang
- Identify Topics to Pursue Possible NCHRP Research Problem Statements: Action Planning, Michael Pack
- Impact of Multi-Level Urban Form and Transit Accessibility on Commuting Mode Share: A U.S. National Analysis in 35 Metropolitan Areas, Arefeh Nasri and Lei Zhang
- Integrated Personalized, Real-Time, Traveler Information and Incentive Technology for Energy Efficient Mobility Systems, Chenfeng Xiong, Mehrdad Shahabi, Yafeng Yin, Xuesong Zhou, and Lei Zhang
- Intelligent Dilemma Zone Protection System at High-Speed Intersections, Gang-Len Chang and Sung Park
- Market Penetration of New Vehicle Technologies and Their Use: A Generalized Dynamic Approach for Discrete-Continuous Decision Modeling, Yan Liu
- Modeling Effects of Travel-Time Reliability On Mode Choice Using Prospect Theory, Sepehr Ghader, and Lei Zhang
- National Travel Demand Model for the U.S.: Applications to Statewide 3 Modeling, Fuel Price and HSR, Arash Asadabadi, Yijing Lu, Sepehr Ghader, Di Yang, and Lei Zhang
- NPMRDS, RITIS, and Other Traffic Data Sources, Michael Pack
- Optimized Local and Express Train Headways for Irregular Station Spacings and Heterogeneous Demand, Patrick Ryan and Paul Schonfeld
- P3 Performance Evaluation: Three Case Studies, Kunqi Zhang
- Rapid Visualization of After-Action Reviews (AARs) for Significant Events, Michael Pack
- Review of Handback Experience with Public-Private Partnerships, Qingbin Cui, Marcel Ham, Patrick DeCorla-Souza, and Emma Weaver
- Selecting and Scheduling Link and Intersection Improvements in Urban Networks, Uros Jovanovic, Elham Shayanfar, and Paul Schonfeld
- The Second Strategic Highway Research Program Product Implementation and Testing in Maryland: Establishing Monitoring Programs for Mobility and Travel Time Reliability, Golnush Masghati-Amoli, Yeming Hao, Kaveh Farokhi-Sadabadi, and Thomas Jacobs
- Tools for Management and Monitoring of Transport Big Data, Nikola Ivanov
- Transferring Time-Series Discrete Choice to Link-Based Route Choice in Space: Estimating Vehicle-Type Preference Using Recursive Logit Model, Fabian Bastin, Yan Liu, Cinzia Cirillo, and Tien Mai
- Transit, Transportation Network Companies, and Taxis: Coexisting, Cooperating, and Competing, Yanshuo Sun and Lei Zhang
- Trip Purpose Imputation Based on Long Term GPS Data, Liang Tang, Yixuan Pan, and Lei Zhang
- User Demand and Data Supply: Big Data and Travel Behavior, Lei Zhang
- Using Propensity Score Matching Technique to Address Self-Selection in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas, Arefeh Nasri, Carlos Carrion, Lei Zhang, and Babak Baghaei
- Valuation and Optimization of Alternative Noncompete Provisions in Public–Private Partnerships with Real Options Analysis, Qingbin Cui
- Vegetation Establishment and Erosion Control Using Compost, Ahmet Aydilek, Dylan Owen, and Allen Davis
- Video Analytics Usage in Transportation Agencies: Nationwide Survey and Maryland Feasibility Study, Zachary Vander Laan, Kaveh Farokhi Sadabadi, and Thomas Jacobs
- Visualizing Performance: MAP-21 PM3 and Beyond, Nikola Ivanov and Michael Pack
- Visualizing Real-Time Work Zone Performance, Nikola Ivanov
Recognitions received:
- Coupled Approximation of U.S. Driving Speed and Volume Statistics Using Spatial Conflation and Temporal Disaggregation, Kartik Kaushik and Eric Wood, winner of the Committee on Highway Traffic Monitoring 2018 Outstanding Paper Award
- Dimitrios Goulias, endorsed for Committee Research Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Management Committee
- Intelligent Dilemma Zone Protection System at High-Speed Intersections, Gang-Len Chang and Sung Park, recognized as one of the 2017 AASHTO Research Advisory Committee high-value research projects
- Thomas Jacobs, recipient of a Certificate of Recognition for service as chair of the RTSMO Research Subcommittee
Published January 26, 2018