Faculty Directory

Goldberg, Deborah S.

Goldberg, Deborah S.

Senior Lecturer
Associate Chair
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
4124 A. James Clark Hall


Ph.D., Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2010

B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2006








Incorporation of Simulated and Hands-on Biopharmaceutical R&D Experiences in an Engineering Elective Course

  • UMD TLTC $20,000 Experiential Learning Grant Recipient 2022-2023.

Development of e-learning modules for biopharmaceutical manufacturing workforce


Current Courses:

  • BIOE331- Biofluids
  • BIOE372- Biostatistics
  • BIOE 489T/ BIOE689E/ CHBE474- Biopharmaceutical Process Development & Manufacturing 

Previously taught courses:

  • CHBE 101- Introduction to Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  • CHBE410- Statistics and Design of Experiments
  • CHBE 422- Transport Phenomena I (Fluid Dynamics)
  • CHBE 424- Transport Phenomena II (Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • CHBE 333- Chemical Engineering Seminar  
  • CHBE 100- Exploring ChBE (co-developed first-year seminar with Ganesh Sriram)


  • S. Wilson and D. Goldberg, Strategies for Supporting Engineering Student Mental Health. Chemical Engineering Education, 57(2), 2023.
  • D. Goldberg, Incorporation of Reserach & Development-Focused Professional Skills in a Chemical Engineering Elective Course. 129th Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference & Exposition. Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002.
  • D. Goldberg. Fostering Student Engagement and Effective Online Learning during the COVID-10 Pandemic. Chemical Engineering Education. 54(4), 177, 2020.  
  • D. Goldberg. "Help me help you": Implementing reference request guidelines to improve the recommendation letter process.  Chemical Engineering Education, 54(1), 23-24, 2020. 
  • D. Goldberg and G. Sriram. Work in Progress: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a 1-credit Chemical Engineering First-Year Seminar.  126th Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference & Exposition, Tampa FL, June 15-19, 2019. 
  • D. Goldberg, R. Lewus, R. Esfandiary, D. Farkas, N. Mody, K. Day, P. Mallik, T. M. Tracka, S. Sealey and H. Samra.  Utility of High Throughput Screening Techniques to Predict Stability of Monoclonal Antibody Formulations During Early Stage Development. J. Pharm. Sci, 106(8): 1971-1977, 2017.
  • J. Jayaraman, J. Wu, M. Brunelle, A. Cruz, D. Goldberg, B. Lobo, A. Shah and P. Tessier. Plasmonic measurements of monoclonal antibody self-association using self-interaction nanoparticle spectroscopy. Biotechnol. & Bioeng, 111(8): 1512-1520, 2014.
  • D. Goldberg, V. Nirmalkumar, P. Swaan and H. Ghandehari. G3.5 PAMAM Dendrimer-SN38 Conjugates Enhance Transepithelial Transport of SN38 while minimizing Gastrointestinal Toxicity and Release. J Control Release, 150(3):318-325, 2011.
  • D. Goldberg, S. Bishop, A. Shah and H. Sathish, Formulation Development of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies using High-throughput Fluorescence and Static Light Scattering Techniques: Role of Conformational and Colloidal Stability, J Pharm Sci, 100(4): 1306-1315, 2011.
  • D. Goldberg, H. Ghandehari and P. Swaan, Cellular entry of G3.5 PAMAM dendrimers by clathrin- and dynamin- dependent endocytosis is required for tight junctional opening in intestinal epithelia, Pharm Res, 27(8) (2010), 1547-57.
  • D. Sweet, R. Kolhatkar, A. Ray, P. Swaan, and H. Ghandehari, Transepithelial transport of PEGylated anionic poly(amidoamine) dendrimers: implications for oral drug delivery. J Control Release 138(1) (2009) 78-85.
  • R. Kolhatkar, D. Sweet, and H. Ghandehari, Functionalized Dendrimers as Nanoscale Drug Carriers, in Multifunctional Pharmaceutical Nanocarriers, Springer 201-232, 2008.
  • M. Al-Sheikhly, D. Sweet, L. Salamanca-Riba, B. Varughese, J. Silverman, A. Christou, and W. Bentley, Radiation-induced failure mechanisms of GaAs-based biochips, IEEE, Device and Materials Reliability, 4, (2004) 192-197.​

Goldberg Appointed Associate Chair of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in BIOE

This Fall, Senior Lecturer Deborah Goldberg will lead Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in BIOE.

Maryland Engineers Recognized with UMD Faculty Honors

Six Clark School faculty members are among the university's 2024 convocation honorees.

Goldberg Receives Provost’s Professional Track Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching

Goldberg is recognized for her student-centric teaching practices and real-world connections to coursework.

Goldberg and Woehl Receive UMD Teaching & Learning Grant Awards

Awards support expanding active and experiential learning for students.

Ganesh Sriram Wins 2022 Poole & Kent Teaching Award for Senior Faculty

Sriram will be honored at the spring commencement ceremony.

An Entrepreneur is Born

ChBE Alumni Joseph Sciamanna ('19) discusses how his stint at UMD led to the founding of his first company.

ChBE101 Students Participate in Pilot Student-Mentoring Program

Program designed and implemented by ChBE Lecturer, Deborah Goldberg.