David Oloye

Class of 2026
Major: Civil Engineering
Hometown:  Westminster, Maryland
High School: Western School of Technology
What Made You Decide to Attend UMD?
I chose UMD because of its promise. It is one of top ranked institutions for engineering and has done really well in connecting its students to their success. Of course success is not solely dependent on the school, however UMD fosters an environment that encourages students to be and become their best which is what I saw in the prestigious and influential individuals that have graduated from this campus which is what I want to tap into.
Best Experience with a Class or Project
My best experience with a project was in ENES100 (Intro to Engineering Design). In that class we had several teams tasked with building autonomous vehicles each with their own unique mission. My team was the machine learning team which was a new mission for the class and our biggest worry how we’d implement machine learning in our design because a majority of the team knew nothing about coding. In the end however, we made it happen. There were mishaps, but in the end our vehicle came out on top in the competition.
Favorite Class In Major
ENES220: Mechanics II
Favorite Class Out of Major
HNUH268U: Power, Politics, and the Past: Communities and Cultural Heritage 
Student Organizations/Extracurricular Activities
Black Engineers Society
American Society of Civil Engineers
QUEST Honors Program
College Success Scholars
Favorite On-Campus Event
Fall Welcome 
Favorite Research or Study Abroad Experiences
I have not had the opportunity to do either yet, but am looking forward to doing so!
Cool Engineering Experience
Building an autonomous vehicle in ENES100
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