125th Anniversary Challenge Unmanned Aerial Systems - Electric VTOL Air Vehicles
In honor of the 125th Anniversary of the A. James Clark School of Engineering to be celebrated in calendar year 2019, the Dean of the A. James Clark School of Engineering is sponsoring two innovative projects for students of the University of Maryland to lead the development and demonstration of novel, electric, vertical flight technologies. The projects involve the design, development, integration, test and flight demonstration of unique air vehicles.
The projects will be initiated in March and deliver flight demonstrations in the Summer of 2019.
The program is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of the Departments of Engineering, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Up to 10 hrs/week of dedicated participation is expected during regular semesters, and at least 20 hrs/week (up to 40 hrs/week) during the Summer. Students may qualify for research credits with the approval of their departments and faculty advisors. Hourly compensation is also available.
The effort will be managed by a lead faculty from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, but the projects will be primarily led and executed by students, to include all aspects of program management, procurement, execution, design, development and flight test. Technical guidance and reach back to subject matter advisors and faculty will be made available on a semi-formal basis. All design, fabrication, assembly, validation and verification testing and system integration work will be performed as part of the efforts. Provisions will be made for facilities, equipment, tooling, laboratory space, fabrication, etc.
This is a unique opportunity that will allow you to maximize the benefits of your experiences at the University of Maryland. You will work with some of your brightest and most motivated fellow students to formulate and solve some of the most intriguing engineering and programmatic problems, gain vital insight into resolving real-world challenges, and contribute to creating new types of aviation technologies and systems.
If you are intrigued, passionate about flight, possess an insatiable desire to enable the extraordinary... And are creative, hard working, dedicated and committed to pursuing the success of your team... Are a practical perfectionist and aspire to partake in creating history and displaying your Terrapin Pride and Fearless Ideas -- Then you are encouraged to learn more by attending an information session to be held on Thursday March 8 from 5:00-6:30 PM at the Forum in Clark Hall (AJC 1100).
Please click this link to apply: https://go.umd.edu/fearlessideasapplication
Application deadline is: Thursday March 15, 2018, no later than 11:59 PM.
An Information Session was held on March 8, the charts for which may be viewed/downloaded here.