Team Description

The overall goal of this project is to create a location-based tool for students, faculty, staff and visitors to inform them of general information and events happening around them in real time. For example, a prospective student visiting campus can take an App guided tour based upon the major(s) they are interested in, visiting the facilities and learning about all the major has to offer. Based upon App-collected data, including where they visited and how long they spent at each location, a follow-up email can introduce them to staff that can answer questions.  Further follow-up emails would remind them of application deadlines and the availability of scholarships. Another example would be letting a student passing a building know that there is currently free pizza at an event inside.

Current project goals include developing the prototype App, exploring the potential of sensor technologies, designing data collection processes, developing additional use cases, and setting up and conducting field tests.  Students will be encouraged to develop ideas for future use cases, using data to predict and suggest events/locations users have previously visited.  This will include the opportunity for students to lead development of future features based on use cases. 

Topics include:

  • Coding/App Development
  • Introduction of augmented reality
  • Machine learning
  • Indoor wayfinding
  • Sensors
  • Internet of Things

Methods & Technologies 

Machine Learning, Bluetooth Communications, Indoor Wayfinding, App Development

Academic Majors of Interest 

  • Bioengineering 
  • Civil Engineering 
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Electrical Engineering 
  • Materials Science andEngineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering 
  • Computer Science 
  • Information Science 
  • Graphic Design

Preferred Interests & Preparation 

Experience with programming languages such as Java and Kotlin

Meeting Schedule & Location 

Wednesdays 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
1318 A.V. Williams 

Faculty Mentor(s)

Bryan Quinn (he/him) 
Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Dmitry Akmal 

Yanne Chembo
