If you'd like to be featured on the CMSE Website please fill out this form you can also visit the Alumni Story Page to see current examples. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email alumni-cmse@umd.edu

Current Job Title
Employer Name
UMD Degree(s) and Year(s)
Degrees Earned at other Institution(s) and Year(s)
Please highlight Achievements you'd like to be featured in the story. This can range from accomplishments, awards given previous positions held, committees you've served on.
Insights (Your words of wisdom to impart to CMSE Students)
List your affiliations with CMSE during your time at UMD. See list below for Affiliations
Attach professional headshot here. Please ensure the picture is good quality and not blurry. (Max FIle Size upload: 25 MB)
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
