Tanya Budhiraja
Class of 2025
Major: Bioengineering
Hometown: Ashburn, Virginia
High School: Independence High School

What Made You Decide to Attend UMD?
I decided to attend UMD because of all the amazing research opportunities on campus!
Best Experience with a Class or Project
In my ENES102 class, I got to design and build a truss with my team. It held a lot more weight than we expected it to, which was really exciting!
Favorite Class In Major
BIOE457: Biomedical Electronics & Instrumentation
Favorite Class Out of Major
AASP211: Get Out- The Sunken Place of Race Relations in the Post-Racial Era
Student Organizations/Extracurricular Activities
Bioengineering Honors Program
Undergraduate Research
Peer research mentor for a FIRE lab
Trials of Color
Favorite On-Campus Event
My favorite On-Campus event is Garba, hosted by Maryland Masti!
Favorite Research or Study Abroad Experiences
In Summer 2022, I interned at the Department Of Energy's National Energy and Technology Lab where I conducted machine-learning-based research under two mentors. I loved the experience and learned a lot of new skills.
Cool Engineering Experience
In my BIOE457 I got to build a working pulse oximeter with my team using an Arduino! It was a lot of fun designing the circuit and then putting it together.