As you look into the future remember how you got here. Honor those who came before you and paved the way, and don’t forget to lend a helping hand to those who are now following your steps.
Adrian Cottin
Senior Principal Electrical Engineer in Mission Systems
Northrop Grumman
Degree(s) at UMD:
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the University of Maryland College Park, 2004
Degree(s) at Other Institutions:
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics at The Johns Hopkins University, 2008
With over 16 years of experience working at Northrop Grumman, Adrian has and continues to participate in One Adelante. Northrop Grumman employee resource group for promoting Hispanic culture within Northrop Grumman. He continues to be involved with SHPE and Eta Kappa Nu. Adrian has been endorsed by many of his peers for his knowledge and expertise in electrical engineering, project management, and testing.
- BES/NSBE (Black Engineers Society)