Zhu, Shengwei
Associate Research Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Center for Sustainability in the Built Environment
Center for Sustainability in the Built Environment
Suite 4403, Technology Ventures Building
Ph.D. The University of Tokyo, 2005
- Airborne infection control
- Indoor environmental quality
- Building environmental health
- Building ventilation design
ENME424/ENME742 Urban Microclimate and Energy (Spring)
ENME422/ENME753 Indoor Environment and Mechanical Systems (Fall)
- Wang, L.; Romo, S.A.; Sanico, E.; Da Costa, H.; Lin, T.; Rabchevsky, N.; Kern, M.; Zhu, S.; Srebric, J. A Wearable Micro Air Cleaner for Ocupant-Oriented Indoor Environmental Controls. Building and Environment, 2023, 243, 110635. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110635.
- Wang, L.; Dalgo, D.A.; Mattise, N.; Zhu, S.; Srebric, J. Physiological Responses and Data-Driven Thermal Comfort Models with Personal Conditioning Devices (PCD). Building and Environment, 2023, 236, 110290. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110290.
- Yang, L.; Liu, J., Zhu, S. Evaluating The Effects of Different Improvement Strategies for The Outdoor Thermal Environment at a University Campus in The Summer. Buildings, 2022, 12(12), 2254. DOI: 10.3390/buildings12122254.
- Zhu, S.; Lin, T.; Wang, L.; Nardell, E.A.; Vincent, R.L.; Srebric, J. Ceiling Impact on Air Disinfection Performance of Upper-Room Germicidal Ultraviolet (UR-GUV). Building and Environment, 2022, 224, 109530. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109530.
- Zhu, S.; Lin, T.; Spengler, J.D.; Laurent, J.G.C.; Srebric, J. The Influence of Plastic Barriers on Aerosol Infection Risk during Airport Security Checkes. Sustainability, 2022, 14(8), 11281. DOI: 10.3390/su141811281.
- Wang, L.; Lin, T.; Da Costa, H.; Zhu, S.; Stockman, T.; Kumar, A.; Weaver, J.; Spede, M.; Milton, D.K.; Hertzberg, J.; Toohey, D.W.; Vance, M.E.; Miller, S.L.; Srebric, J. Characterization of Aerosol Plumes from Singing and Playing Wind Instruments Associated with The Risk of Airborne Virus Transmission. Indoor Air, 2022, 32(6), e13064. DOI: 10.1111/ina.13064.
- Zhu, S.; Lin, T.; Laurent, J.G.C.; Spengler, J.D.; Srebric, J. Tradeoffs between Ventilation, Air Mixing, and Passenger Density for The Airborne Transmission Risk in Airport Transportation Vehicles. Building and Environment, 2022, 209, 109186. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109186.
- Fan, G.; Xie, J.; Yoshino, H.; Yanagi, U.; Zhang, H.; Li, Z.; Li, N.; Lv, Y.; Liu, J.; Zhu, S.; Hasegawa, K.; Kagi, N.; Liu, J. Investigation of Fungal Contamination in Urban Houses with Children in Six Major Chinese Cities: Genus and Concentration Characteristics. Building and Environment, 2021, 205. 108829.
- Stockman, T.; Zhu, S.; Kumar, A.; Wang, L.; Patel, S.; Weaver, J.; Spede, M.; Milton, D.K.; Hertzberg, J.; Toohey, D.; Vance, M.; Srebric, J.; Miller, S. Measurements and Simulations of Aerosol Released While Singing and Playing Wind Instruments. ACS Environmental Au, 2021, 1(1), 71-84. DOI: 10.1021/acsenvironau.1c00007.
- Chen, M.; Bai, J.; Zhu, S.; Yang, B.; Dai, F. The Influence of Neighborhood-Level Urban Morpholoy on PM2.5 Variation Based on Random Forest Regression. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2021, 12(8), 101147. DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101147.
- Ling, J.; Dalgo, D.A.; Zhu, S.; Qiao, Y.; Wang, L.; Aute, V.; Srebric, J.; Muehlbauer, J.; Hwang, Y.; Radermacher, R. Energy Saving and Thermal Comfort Evaluation of A Novel Personal Conditioning Device. Energy and Building, 2021, 241, 110917. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110917.
- Fan, G.; Xie, J.; Yoshino, H.; Zhang, H.; Li, Z.; Li, N.; Lv, Y.; Liu, J.; Zhu, S.; Yanagi, U.; Hasegawa, K.; Kagi, N.; Xue, P.; Liu, J. Concentration Characteristics of Gaseous Carbonyl Compounds in Urban Houses in Two Different Climatic Zones of China and Health Risk Assessment for Schoolchildren. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 102270. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102270.
- Zhu, S.; Jenkins, S.; Addo, K.; Heidarinejad, M.; Romo, S.A.; Layne, A.; Ehizibolo, J.; Dalgo, D.; Mattise, N. W.; Hong, F.; Adenaiye, O. O.; Bueno de Mesquita J. P.; Albert, B. J.; Washington-Lewis, R.; German, J.; Tai, S.; Youssefi, S.; Milton, D. K.; Srebric, J. Ventilation and Laboratory Confirmed Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Rates in College Residence Halls in College Park, Maryland. Environment International, 2020, 137, 105537. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105537.
- Liu, J.; Cai, W.; Zhu, S.; Dai, F. Impacts of Vehicle Emission from a Major Road on Spatiotemporal Variations of Neighborhood Particulate Pollution – A Case Study in a University Campus. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 53, 101917. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2019.101917.
- Liu, J.; Dalgo, D. A.; Zhu, S.; Zhang, L; Srebric, J. Performance Analysis of a Ductless Personalized Ventilation Combined with Radiant Floor Cooling System and Displacement Ventilation. Building Simulation, 2019, 12(5), 905-919. DOI: 10.1007/s12273-019-0521-9.
- Liu, J.; Li, Z.; Kim, M. K.; Zhu, S.; Zhang, L.; Srebric, J. A Comparison of the Thermal Comfort Performances of a Radiant Floor Cooling System When Combined with a Range of Ventilation Systems. Indoor and Built Environment, 2019, 29(4), 1420326X19869412. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X19869412.
- Chen, M.; Dai, F.; Yang, B.; Zhu, S. Effects of Urban Green Space Morphological Pattern on Variation of PM2.5 Concentration in the Neighborhoods of Five Chinese Megacities. Building and Environment, 2019, 158, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.04.058.
- Chen, M.; Dai, F.; Yang, B.; Zhu, S. Effects of Neighborhood Green Space on PM2.5 Mitigation: Evidence from Five Megacities in China. Building and Environment, 2019, 156, 33-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.03.007.
- Zhu, S.; Wang, Y. Scaled Sequential Threshold Least-Squares (S2TLS) Algorithm for Sparse Regression Modeling and Flight Load Prediction. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2019, 85, 514-528. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.12.038.
- Liu, J.; Zhu, S.; Kim, M. K.; Srebric, J. A Review of CFD Analysis Methods for Personalized Ventilation (PV) in Indoor Built Environments. Sustainability, 11(15), 4166. DOI: 10.3390/su11154166.
- Fang, G; Xie, J.; Yoshino, H.; Zhang, H.; Li, Z.; Li, N.; Liu, J.; Lv, Y.; Zhu, S.; Yanaga, U.; Hasegawa, K.; Kagi, N.; Zhang, X.; Liu, J. Common SVOCs in House Dust from Urban Dwellings with Schoolchildren in Six Typical Cities of China and Associated Non-Dietary Exposure and Health Risk Assessment. Environment International, 2018, 120, 431-442. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.031.
- Zhu, S.; Dalgo, D. A.; Srebric, J; Kato, S. Cooling Efficiency of a Spot-Type Personalized Ventilation. Building and Environment, 2017, 121, 35-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.05.007.
- Zhu, S.; Cai, W.; Spengler, J.D. Control of Sleep Environment of An Infant by Wider-Cover Type Personalized Ventilation. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 129, 69-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.07.064.
- Yan, B.; Li, J.Q.; Guo, J.H.; Ma, P.; Wu, Z.; Ling, Z.H.; Guo, H.; Hiroshi, Y.; Yanagi, U.; Yang, X.; Zhu, S.; Chen, M.Q. The Toxic Effects of Indoor Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter Collected from Allergic and Non-Allergic Families in Wuhan on Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2016, 36(4), 596-608. DOI: 10.1002/jat.3217.
- Zhu, S.; Cai, W.; Yoshino, H., Yanagi, U; Hasegawa, K.; Kagi, N.; Chen, M.Q. Primary Pollutants in Schoolchildren's Homes in Wuhan, China. Building and Environment, 2015, 93, 41-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.02.028.
- Pichurov, G.; Srebric, J.; Zhu, S.; Vincent, R.L.; Brickner, P.W.; Rundick, S.N. A Validated Numerical Investigation of the Ceiling Fan's Role in the Upper-Room UVGI Efficacy. Building and Environment, 2014, 86, 109-119. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.12.021.
- Zhu, S.; Srebric, J.; Rudnick, S.N.; Vincent, R.L.; Nardell, E.A. Numerical Modeling of Indoor Environment with a Ceiling Fan and an Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation System. Building and Environment, 2014, 72, 116-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.10.019.
- Zhu, S.; Srebric, J.; Rudnick, S.N.; Vincent, R.L.; Nardell, E.A. Numerical Investigation of Upper-room UVGI Disinfection Efficacy in an Environmental Chamber with a Ceiling Fan. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2013, 89, 782-791. DOI: 10.1111/php.12039.
- Zhu, S.; Srebric, J.; Spengler, J.D.; Demokritou, P. An Advanced Numerical Model for the Assessment of Airborne Transmission of Influenza in Bus Microenvironment. Building and Environment, 2012, 47, 67-75. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.05.003.
- Zhu, S.; Demokritou, P.; Spengler, J.D. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Micro- Environmental Conditions in Public Transportation Buses. Building and Environment, 2010, 45(10), 2077-2088. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.03.004.
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Ooka, R.; Sakoi, T.; Tsuzuki, K. Development of a Computational Thermal Manikin Applicable in a Non-Uniform Thermal Environment (Part 2) Coupled Simulation Using Sakoi's Human Thermal Physiological Model. HVAC&R Research, 2008, 14(4), 545-564. DOI: 10.1080/10789669.2008.10391025.
- Nagano, H.; Kato, S.; Zhu, S.; Ozeki, Y.; Matsunaga, K. Ventilation Characteristics of Modeled Compact Car Part 2 Estimation of Local Ventilation Efficiency and Inhaled Air Quality. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical System, 2008, 1(1): 623-630. DOI: 10.4271/2008-01-0731.
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Ooka, R.; Sakoi, T. Development of a Computational Thermal Manikin Applicable in a Non-Uniform Thermal Environment (Part 1) Coupled Simulation of Convection, Radiation and Smith's Human Thermal Physiological Model for Sensible Heat Transfer from a Seated Human Body in Radiant Environment. HVAC&R Research, 2007, 13(4), 661-679. DOI: 10.1080/10789669.2007.10390978
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Yang, L. Examination of Thermal Adaptive Effect of Postural and Positional Adjustment of a Seated Human Body Exposed to Spot Airflow. ASHRAE Transactions, 2007, 113(2), 300-312.
- Sakoi, T.; Tsuzuki, K.; Kato S, Ooka, R.; Song, D.; Zhu, S. Thermal Comfort, Skin Temperature Distribution, and Sensible Heat Loss Distribution in the Sitting Posture in Various Asymmetric Radiant Fields. Building and Environment, 2007, 42(12), 3984-3999. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.10.050.
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Yang, J.H. Study on Transport Characteristics of Saliva Droplets Produced by Coughing in a Calm Indoor Environment. Building and Environment, 2006, 41(12), 1691-1702.
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Yang, J.H. Investigation into Airborne Transport Characteristics of Airflow due to Coughing in a Stagnant Indoor Environment. ASHRAE Transactions, 2006, 112(1), 123-133.
- Zhu, S.; Kato, S.; Murakami, S.; Hayashi, T. Study on Inhalation Region by Means of CFD Analysis and Experiment. Building and Environment, 2005, 40(10), 1329-1336. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2004.11.009.