Faculty Directory

Bruck, Hugh

Bruck, Hugh

Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Mechanical Engineering
Maryland Robotics Center
2110 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Building 088



  • Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1994
  • M.S., University of South Carolina, 1989
  • B.S., University of South Carolina, 1988




  • Distinguished Scholar-Teacher , University of Maryland (2016)
  • NSF Promise Oustanding Faculty Mentor (2015)
  • Fellow, Society for Experimental Mechanics (2015)
  • Best Paper Award at ASME Mechanisms & Robotics conference (2010)
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2008)
  • Pi Tau Sigma Faculty Appreciation Award (2007)
  • A. J. Durelli Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics (2006)
  • Fulbright Scholar (2005)
  • ONR Young Investigator Award (2000)
  • Army Summer Faculty Research and Engineering Program (1997)




  • International Advisory Board for the journal Experimental Mechanics
  • Paper reviewer, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, AIAA Journal, Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, Experimental Mechanics, Optical Engineering
  • NSF Proposal Review Panel on Civil and Mechanical Systems
  • Reviewer, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship program
  • Chair of Graduate Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland
  • Organizer, “Special Session on Biologically Inspired Materials,” SEM 2001 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Portland, OR;
  • Secretary, SEM Composites Technical Division
  • Consultant, Army Research Lab, Unistates Technology, Metal Matrix Cast Composites, Inc.


New techniques for rapid manufacturing and characterization of functionally graded, multifunctional, biologically-inspired, and nanocomposite materials Controlled formation of functionally graded and transversely modulated heterophase structures in thin films through diffusion and epitaxial principles Fundamental mechanical characterization and modeling of static and dynamic failure mechanisms in composite materials Development of new nanomechanical and multiscale characterization methods for composite materials and thin films New techniques for manufacturing Point-of-Care microfluidic devices using laminated object manufacturing and laser micromachining New biosensing principles for Point-of-Care microfluidic devices using optical methods and nanocomposite materials Development of multifunctional skins and compliant structures for robotics


  • J. Balsam, Y. Kostov, H.A. Bruck, and A. Rasooly, “"Increasing sensitivity of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) based fluorescence detection", to appear in Sensors and Actuators B (2012)


  • J.Balsam, M. Ossandon, H.A. Bruck, and A. Rasooly, “Lensless CCD-based Fluorometer using a Micromachined Optical Söller Collimator”, Lab on a Chip, 11, 941-949 (2011).
  • S. Haldar, H. A. Bruck, N. Gheewala, K. J. Grande-Allen, and M.A. Sutton, ”Multi-scale Mechanical Characterization of Palmetto Wood using Digital Image Correlation to Develop a Template for Biologically-inspired Polymer Composites”, Experimental Mechanics, 51, 575 (2011).
  • H. Jin, S.Haldar, W. Lu, and H.A. Bruck, “Grid Method for Microscale Discontinuous Deformation Measurement”, Experimental Mechanics, 51, 565-574 (2011).
  • L. Banks-Sills, Y. Hikri, S. Krylov, V. Fourman, Y. Gerson, and H.A. Bruck, “Measurement of Poisson’s Ratio by Means of a Direct Tension Test on Micron-sized Specimens”, 169, 98-114 Sensors and Actuators: A (2011).
  • H. Jin, W.-Y. Lu, S. Haldar, and H.A. Bruck, “Microscale Characterization of Granular Deformation near a Crack Tip”, Journal of Materials Science, 46, 6596-6602 (2011).
  • W. Bejgerowski, J.W. Gerdes, S.K. Gupta, and H.A. Bruck, “Design and Fabrication of Miniature Compliant Hinges for Multi-material Compliant Mechanisms”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57, 437-452 (2011)
  • A.L. Roytburd, J. Ouyang, B. Boyerinas, and H.A. Bruck, “Stability of Heterophase Nanostructure and Field Induced Response of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Films”, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 172902 (2011).


  • M. Yang, H.A. Bruck, D. Kostov, and A. Rasooly, “Biological Semiconductor Based on Electrical Percolation”, Analytical Chemistry 82, 3567-3572 (2010).
  • M.Yang, S. Sun, H.A. Bruck, A. Rasooly, and Y. Kostov, “Electrical percolation-based biosensor for real-time direct detection of Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25, 2573-2578 (2010).
  • D. Mueller, H.A. Bruck and S.K. Gupta, “Measurement of Thrust and Lift Forces Associated with Drag of Compliant Flapping Wing for Micro Air Vehicles Using a New Test Stand Design”, 50, 725-735 Experimental Mechanics  (2010).
  • A. Ananthanarayanan, S.K. Gupta, and H.A. Bruck, “Characterization of a Reverse Molding Sequence at the Mesoscale for In-mold Assembly of Revolute Joints”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 50, 1843-1852 (2010).
  • M. Yang, S.Sun, H.A. Bruck, D. Kostov, and A. Rasooly, “Lab-on-a-chip for Label Free Biological Semiconductor Assay of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B”, Lab on a Chip, 10, 2534-2540 (2010).
  • A. Ananthanarayanan, S.K. Gupta, and H.A. Bruck, “Modeling and Characterization to Minimize Effects of Melt Flow Fronts on Premolded Component Deformation during In-Mold Assembly of Mesoscale Revolute Joints”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 132, 041006 (2010). (2010).
  • A.L.Gershon, D.P.Cole, A.K.Kota, and H.A. Bruck, “Nanomechanical Characterization of Dispersion and its Effects in Nano-Enhanced Polymers and Polymer Composites”, Journal of Materials Science, 45, 6353-6364 (2010).

From Turmoil to Triumph: A CEEE Staffer’s Journey

Faculty assistant escapes danger in Myanmar and earns M.Eng. at UMD.

Energy Secretary and Maryland Governor visit with MEI2 startups

ARPA-E Summit showcases multiple UMD clean energy technologies

Kiger Named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Mechanical engineering professor recognized for his achievements in research and pedagogy.

Standing with our Asian-American Community

The Clark School community stands united with our Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islanders colleagues.

ARL to Fund $30M in Equipment Innovations for Service Members

UMD announces with the U.S. Army Research Lab agreements in additive manufacturing and battery research.

UMD Engineering Receives $22.8M from U.S. Army to Collaboratively Advance Additive Manufacturing Technology

The University of Maryland College Park's research partnership with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory will establish an ecosystem for revolutionary additive manufacturing technology and concepts to expedite national readiness and response.

Promoting Diversity and Addressing Unconscious Bias

Clark School Dean Robert Briber states that implicit bias that goes unaddressed is not welcome.

Spread Hope: The "Smart Bra"

The "smart bra" is a low-cost wearable device that could conceivably detect breast cancer early enough for treatment.

Feathers Not Included

Ph.D. student Lena Johnson is working on Robo Raven, a bird-inspired unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

2018 ARPA-E Summit to Showcase UMD Innovations

UMD Energy Innovation Technologies dominate

Maryland Robotics Center Receives NSF Funding for REU Site in Bioinspired Robotics

Applications now being accepted for summer 2017 bioinspired robotics Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Applications now being accepted for summer 2017 bioinspired robotics REU program

Hugh Bruck and Sarah Bergbreiter are leading the NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.

Bruck Named a UMD Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Professor Hugh Bruck named one of six Distinguished Scholar-Teachers for the 2016-2017 school year.

University of Maryland No. 1 in ARPA-E Awards

UMD has most active ARPA-E awards among all U.S. universities.

Two Mechanical Engineering Professors Named PROMISE Mentors

Professors Bruck and Herrmann nominated as AGEP PROMISE Outstanding Faculty Mentors.

UMD Teams Awarded Over $5 Million to Improve Power Plant Cooling Technologies

The U.S. Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) funds two UMD teams to improve power plant cooling efficiency.

Fourney and Sanford Recognized at Annual SEM Meeting

Associate Dean William Fourney and Professor Emeritus R. J. Sanford receive awards at annual SEM meeting.

Bruck Named SEM Fellow

Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor Hugh Bruck named SEM Fellow.

Hahn Receives 2014 ONR YIP Award

Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Jin-Oh Hahn receives Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program award.

Robo Raven III harnesses solar power

Multifunctional wings will help robotic birds fly longer, farther and more independently.

Fourney Selected to Receive 2014 Frocht Award

Associate dean and Keystone professor to be honored with Society for Experimental Mechanics award.

Robo Raven flies live on Fox 5 TV

Research team demonstrates breakthrough MAV technology

Clark School's New Robotic Bird, "Robo Raven," So Realistic It Can Fool a Hawk

Robotic bird's independently controllable wings makes more realistic flight maneuvers possible.

Clark School Welcomes 10 Summer Robotics Research Students

Students part of 10-week Research Opportunities in Miniature Robotics program.

Faculty News Roundup

Clark School faculty promotions, moves announced.

NSF Boosts Nanotech Curriculum

Engineering curriculum recognized by NSF and Institute of Physics.

NSF Boosts Nanotech Curriculum

MSE, ME faculty and staff develop new lessons, teaching lab.

Other professional society fellows

  • Society for Experimental Mechanics

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)