Factors such as the following will be weighed in determining the award winner:
- Esprit de corps
- Innovation in courses or curricula
- Effective service on committees, from departmental to international
- Advising students or student groups
- Outreach efforts to the campus and community
- Recruitment activities, participating in open houses, alumni activities
- Enhancing the University or School image
- Efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the Clark School
- A nomination letter explaining how the candidate meets some of the above criteria, or similar.
- A maximum of 4 letters of support from any combination of the following.
a. Nominee’s supervisor
b. Person supervised by the nominee
c. Nominee’s peer
d. Faculty, staff, or student who has had personal experience with the the
nominee’s service activities
Note that previous nominations will be considered again for up to two additional years, and nominators have the option to withdraw or update the package. Prior recipients are not eligible to be nominated again.