News Story
UMD Sweeps AIAA Region I Student Papers Conference Masters Division

Seven University of Maryland Department of Aerospace Engineering students placed in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' (AIAA) 2016 Region I Student Conference paper competition held April 22-23 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. All three master's division paper winners were UMD students.
Technical Paper, Masters Division
First Place
Transmission Spectroscopy of Sputtered Plumes for Surface Composition Analysis of Small Bodies Presenter: Thomas Leps, University of Maryland
Second Place
Analysis of a Pick-up Coil for Optimization of a Magnetostrictive Energy Harvester
Presenter: Maxim Germer, University of Maryland
Third Place
System Identification of a Meso-scale Cyclocopter
Presenter: Paige Parker Pruce, University of Maryland
Technical Paper – Team Division
Third Place
Development of a Liquid Fuel Rocket Test Stand as an Educational Tool for Undergraduate Engineering
Presenters: Joseph Cozzo, Zachariah Brown, Jack Draper III, John Juliano
University of Maryland
The AIAA Student Papers Conference is an annual research competition where students present their research, and have it reviewed and critiqued by practicing professionals serving as judges. Prizes are awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place papers in each category: graduate, undergraduate and team. Winners in each category receive a cash prize and are invited to attend and compete at the International Student Conference at the AIAA SciTech Form.
Published May 20, 2016