Fire Protection Engineering Undergraduate Information Session

Monday, April 1, 2024
4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Liana Stiegler Orndorff
301 405 3992

UMD offers the only ABET-accredited undergraduate program in Fire Protection Engineering (FPE) in the world! FPE students use predictive modeling, innovative building and product design, risk analysis, human behavioral studies and other engineering methods to protect people from fire. The field is experiencing explosive growth in the job market and our graduates are eligible for opportunities in exciting careers all over the world.

Join us at an information session for a full two hour program to learn more about the Fire Protection Engineering field and career options, get an inside look at the major, meet FPE faculty, staff, and students, and tour our labs.  An RSVP is required to attend. Current high school students, undergraduates, community college students and their families are welcome to attend. All Spring 2024 information sessions will be held in a hybrid format. Attendees may join us in-person on campus or virtually via Zoom. 

Click here to register for an information session!

Audience: Undergraduate  Prospective Students  Parents and Family 

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