Faculty Directory

Culver, James

Culver, James

Affiliate Professor
Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
6139 Plant Sciences Building


Ph.D. University of California, Riverside 1991

Multidisciplinary efforts directed at understanding virus biology and its role in disease as well as studies aimed at engineering viruses and other biological components for application in nano-based systems and devices.

Spurring research group creativity in the time of COVID-19

Student-faculty teams that write review articles for journals reap multiple benefits.

Decade of TMV research leads to never-before-seen microsystems for energy storage, biosensors and self-sustaining systems

Long-term Ghodssi-Culver partnership has used the Tobacco mosaic virus as a biological nanoscaffold for groundbreaking devices.

UMD, MIT team for new 'superhydrophobic surfaces' patent

Nano/micro surface mimics wetlands plants' ability to resist moisture, self clean.

Bad Virus Put to Good Use

In breakthrough batteries, virally structured nano-electrodes boost energy capacity 10-fold.

NSF Grant for Nanofabrication for Energy Apps

Ghodssi uses tobacco mosaic virus in fabrication of energy storage devices.

Clark School Professors Win Nanobiotech Grants

Ghodssi, Yu lead research projects that won in state competition.