Yasmi Chibber

Class of 2025
Major:  Chemical Engineering
Minor:  Statistics
Hometown:  Laurel, MD

What inspired you to become a ClarkLEADER?
I felt that ClarkLEAD was a good introduction to the engineering school, and wanted to participate in the program as I continued through college.

If you attended ClarkLEAD as a first-year student, what did you enjoy most about the event?
My favorite part was the club fair. It gave me a good idea of which clubs I wanted to look out for at the First Look Fair.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students? 
Engineering is all about working together. During your first semester, start making connections with your peers - it will pay off!

What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you are involved with on campus?  
I am on the Science Olympiad Eboard and participated in Engineering World Health. I am also an undergraduate research assistant in the Zierden Lab.

What is a cool engineering experience you've had? 
A cool experience was getting to use an anaerobic chamber to grow a particular strain of bacteria.

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