Ryan Mahon

Class of 2024
Major:  Mechanical Engineering
Hometown:  Annapolis, MD
High School:  Annapolis High School

What inspired you to become a ClarkLEADER?
I love seeing tour groups and incoming students on admitted students' days because it reminds me of how excited I was when I first came to Maryland. Having participated in ClarkLEAD last year as a transfer student, I wanted to be a part of the next incoming students, 'Welcome to UMD'.

If you attended ClarkLEAD as a first-year student, what did you enjoy most about the event?
The ClarkLEAD event was a great way to get to know other incoming students and learn about some really cool clubs.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students? 
There are so many opportunities on campus. Too many things to do it all in four-years. So, first take a look around before you are too committed to have time for something you would really love. (Also, find the smartest kid in each of your classes and ask them to be in your study group.)

What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you are involved with on campus?  
I am involved with Pi Tau Sigma (the Mechanical Honor Society), Relay 4 Life, Clark Scholars, Intermural Sports, the UMD Near Space Club, and a few research labs.

What is a cool engineering experience you've had? 
I traveled alone to Auburn University for the National Pi Tau Sigma Conference. While I was there, I competed in a hovercraft competition with a team of students from other colleges. We had no idea what the competition was and just met our team during the 3-day conference. Regardless of how well we performed in the competition, we laughed a lot.

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