Rowan Quintero

Class of 2025
Major:   Aerospace Engineering

What inspired you to become a ClarkLEADER?
I've learned so many things as a transfer student, and I wish I had known them from the start. Now, I want to share this valuable information with both freshman and incoming transfer students, so they can have an amazing time as engineers at the University of Maryland.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students? 
Start thinking about research!

What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you are involved with on campus?  
For research, I am currently an undergraduate researcher at the Space Systems Lab. I am also working on my honors undergraduate research thesis with the High-Speed Aerodynamics and Propulsion Laboratory. For clubs, I am the social media marketing chair for the Terrapin Rockets. For work, I am a UGTF for the Department of Physics.

What is a cool engineering experience you've had? 
Co-authoring my first published research paper for the 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems with the Space Systems Lab.

