Liam Hodgson

Class of 2026
Major:  Electrical Engineering
Minor: Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy (STEP)
Hometown:  Annapolis, MD
High School:  Annapolis High School

What inspired you to become a ClarkLEADER?
My participation in ClarkLEAD last year inspired me to become a leader myself when I realized that the event focused on many things that I believe in and think engineering should focus on more.

If you attended ClarkLEAD as a first-year student, what did you enjoy most about the event?
Having discussions about important ethical and social aspects of Engineering, most of which are often overlooked in both formal engineering education and informal discussion between engineers.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students? 
Good time management skills start with having a lot of time to work with: uninstalling Tiktok/reels/shorts will free up many wasted hours where you can instead stay on top of work and start new hobbies you always wanted to pursue.

What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you are involved with on campus?  
I am a part of Terrapin Works and am a Resident Assistant for Easton Hall.

What is a cool engineering experience you've had? 
The ENES100 OTV project, and winning "Best Data Extraction OTV" in the ENES100 final awards.

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