Jackson Kettell

Class of 2026
Major:  Mechanical Engineering
Hometown:  Syracuse, NY

What inspired you to become a ClarkLEADER?
I have had great experiences with older students who helped me when I first came to UMD, with the most important help coming from my very own ClarkLEADER.

If you attended ClarkLEAD as a first-year student, what did you enjoy most about the event?
I think it was a great experience to get to know many other engineering students and made it seem less scary being a freshman. It helped me realize that although everyone is different, we will all be experiencing similar things as it relates to school.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students? 
Stay on top of your work as much as possible. It is easy to get behind on assignments or studying during the week. The best way to prevent this is to schedule things ahead of time.

What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you are involved with on campus?  
I am a part of the Virtus Living and Learning Community.

What is a cool engineering experience you've had? 
I took a tour of the Robotics Lab and got to see lots of cool projects being worked on there. The most interesting thing I saw was a submarine being tested in the Neutral Buoyancy Research Facility.

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