Micro/nanoscale thermal transport and energy conversion
Thermal science and its applications in electrical engineering, optical engineering, and material science
Micro/nano devices
A CEEE paper makes the case for heat pumps as an eco-friendly alternative for drying loads of lumber throughout the world.
A fellowship for Mozambican women to pursue graduate education in Reliability Engineering at UMD
UMD engineers have reinvented a 26,000-year-old manufacturing process into an innovative approach to fabricating ceramic materials.
The experiment will travel on the ISS for a year, exposing samples to the environment of low earth orbit.
Low-cost, enviro-friendly devices use natural nanoengineering
UMD researchers showcase transformative energy research at ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit
UMD team beats out six other schools with their winning thermal connector prototype.
UMD has most active ARPA-E awards among all U.S. universities.
Mechanical Engineering Professor Michael Ohadi recently received the ASHRAE E.K. Campbell Award of Merit.
Student team led by Associate Professor Bao Yang wins UMD Sustainability Grant.
The U.S. Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) funds two UMD teams to improve power plant cooling efficiency.
Student and alumni team designs winning concept for DARPA’s 2015 International Field-Reversible Thermal Connector (RevCon) Challenge.
UMD awarded more than $5 million by ARPA-E to fund potentially transformational research.
Student team wins award for "Low-Resistance Seamless Wedge Thermal Connectors."