Build enduring relationships. You’ll find that you will never succeed alone in this world, and those that have helped you will eventually need a helping hand. Pay forward all that you receive and be flexible to change as you blaze your own path.
Daniel L. Scott
Vice President and Chief Information Officer in Defense Systems Sector at Northrop Grumman
Degree(s) at UMD:
- B.S. in Aerospace Engineering at University of Maryland College Park, 1985
Degree(s) at Other Institutions:
- MBA Finance and Strategic Marketing at University of South California, 2004
On top of his degrees, Mr. Scott has participated in Advanced Management Programs through Harvard Business School, Northrop Grumman, University of Chicago, and California Institute of Technology. Mr. Scott has also held board positions for the University of Maryland’s Aerospace Engineering Department and North Carolina A&T State University.
- BES/NSBE (Black Engineers Society)