News Story
Wereley Honored by AIAA for Service

Wereley received his B.Eng. ('82) from McGill University, and M.S. ('87) and Ph.D. ('90) in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT. Wereley serves as the director of the Smart Structures Laboratory and the Composites Research Laboratory. He also serves as the director of the Aerospace Honors Program.
Wereley has published more than 130 journal articles, eight book chapter contributions, and more than 200 conference articles. He is a co-inventor on five patents and more than a dozen patents pending. Wereley serves as editor (2007-present) of Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. He serves as associate editor for Smart Materials and Structures and AIAA Journal. Recently, he served as student symposium chair for the AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (2009). He is serving as co-chair (2010/11) and chair (2012/13) of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Symposium, as well as technical (2010) and general chair (2011) of the AIAA Adaptive Structures Conference. Wereley is a fellow (2008) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), fellow (2001) of the Institute of Physics Associate Fellow of AIAA, and a lifetime member of the American Helicopter Society. Wereley was awarded the ASME Adaptive Structures and Adaptive Materials Best Paper Award (2004), named the AIAA National Capital Section Engineer of the Year (2009), and honored with the A. James Clark School of Engineering Faculty Service Award (2010).
Wereley will be presented with the award, consisting of a certificate and a pin, at the Annual AIAA National Capital Section Honors and Awards Banquet in June 2011.
Published November 12, 2010