Marlon Cruz
Class of 2024
Fire Protection Engineering
Bladensburg, MD

What motivated you to become a ClarkLEADER?
I want to provide as much support as possible for incoming students who might not see others like them in the industry. I also recognize the importance of giving back to the community that helped me when I was a new student at UMD.
What are some organizations or extracurricular activities you think new students should know about?
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Rube Goldberg machine design challenge during engineers week.
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new Maryland Engineering students?
The most passionate piece of advice I can give to an incoming Clark student is to do as many classes as possible outside of the Clark School. For incoming freshmen, do as many transferable classes in a Maryland Community College, with much smaller class sizes and a fraction of the cost (!!!). For transfer students, explore other interests in other disciplines, as you're only in undergrad once, and time flies very quickly.