News Story
Ulukus to Receive IEEE CTTC Award

Professor Sennur Ulukus
ECE Chair and Distinguished University Professor Sennur Ulukus has been honored with the 2024 IEEE Communications Society and Communication Theory Technical Committee (CTTC) Technical Achievement Award for contributions to the communication theoretic foundations of physical layer security, information freshness and energy harvesting.
The CTTC branch of IEEE focuses on all challenges associated with the transmission of information, particularly communication theory and information theory. All communications media are studied, including wireless media, wireline, fiber, infrared, optical, and magnetic storage.
The CTTC Technical Achievement Award is presented annually to an active member of the committee who has presented outstanding work in communication theory and has a high degree of visibility in the field.
Ulukus joined the ECE Department in 2001 and assumed the position of ECE chair in 2022. She is the Anthony Ephremides Chair in Information Sciences and Systems, a Distinguished University Professor, and a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher. She is the Founding Co-Director of the Professional Masters in Machine Learning and has been instrumental in the ECE Department’s expansion in quantum and AI programs.
She is a fellow of IEEE and has been highly recognized within the organization, having received multiple awards, including the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award, the 2020 Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Outstanding Achievement Award, and the 2020 Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC) Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award. She is currently an Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and a Senior Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
This year’s CTC Technical Achievement Award will be presented at the 2025 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop in Venice, Italy taking place in May 2025.
Published January 30, 2025