Faculty Directory

Brannigan, Vincent

Brannigan, Vincent

Professor Emeritus; J.D.
Fire Protection Engineering
Center for Risk and Reliability
4309 Rosedale Ave Bethesda Md 20814


Professor Vincent Brannigan holds his Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University and is a member of the Maryland and D.C. Bars. He became  a full time faculty member at the University of Maryland in  1977. Prior to joining the faculty, he worked at the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration and the Center for Fire Research at the National Bureau of Standards. He authored the legal materials for the Open Learning Fire Service Program and has been an adjunct faculty member at the US Fire Academy, Georgetown Law, and a Visiting faculty member  the UK and Germany. He has been amember of the Md. Bar since 1976.

Professor Brannigan's primary research and teaching area  is  science based safety regulation  including product liability and government regulation of technology.  His work has a special emphasis on the problem of dealing with novel technologies  in all fields of engieering and many areas of medicine.  He has been a consultant on technology and the law to the Office of Technology Assessment and other federal agencies and has assisted numerous local regulatory officials.