Calabrese, Richard V.
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1976
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, June 1971
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester, June 1969
1975 – 1978: Stevens Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
1979 – 1981: Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, Inc., Washington, DC, Engineering Consultant: Electric Power
1981 – Present: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1981 – 1986: Assistant Professor
1987 – 1995: Associate Professor
1992 – 1994: Acting Chair
1996 – 2019: Professor
2019 - Present: Professor Emeritus
National Bureau of Standards, Center for Chemical Engineering, Visiting Faculty Member - September 1985 to June 1989; Guest Worker - June 1983 to August 1985.
Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, College of Engineering, University of Maryland, December 1986.
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, United Kingdom, September 1991 to June 1992.
SERC Visiting Fellow, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Science and Engineering Research Council, September 1991 to August 1992.
Merck Distinguished Lecturer - Collaboratus V, Rutgers University, February 9, 1995
Outstanding Teacher Award, AIChE Student Chapter, University of Maryland, May 1995
Celebrating Teachers Award, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education, University of Maryland, May 1995
Poole & Kent Teaching Award for Senior Faculty, College of Engineering, University of Maryland, May 1997
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, North American Mixing Forum Annual Award for Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice, AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 1997.
Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, conferred for significant lifetime achievement, December 1999.
Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, elected October 2000.
Visiting Scientist, PARSAT Group, DuPont Central Research and Development, Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE, July 1, 2000 to December 31, 2001.
Technical Adviser, Office of Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy, July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.
Calabrese, R. V., T. P. K. Chang and P. T. Dang, “Drop Breakup in Turbulent Stirred Tank Contactors, Part I: Effect of Dispersed Phase Viscosity”, AIChE J, 32, 657-666, 1986. Named one of the 21 most influential contributions to Mixing Research. See “Recognizing the 21 Most Influential Contributions to Mixing Research”, CEP, 110, 20-29, Jan. 2014.
MIPS 30th Anniversary Awards: Award for Consumer Health to Martek Biosciences and Richard V. Calabrese (UMD), Maryland Industrial Partnerships, Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech), November 07, 2017.
Consultant to Altus Pharma., Avecia, Ltd., Bechtel National, Becton Dickinson, BHR Group, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Charles Ross & Son., Cargill, Chemineer, ChevronTexaco, Colorcon, DOE-ORP, Dow Chemical Co., Dow Corning Corp., DuPont, Eli Lilly, Exxon, W.R. Grace, ICI Ltd., IGENE Biotechnology, Koch Materials Co., Life Technologies, Lightnin, Merck., Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Searle/Pharmacia, S. C. Johnson, Sonus , Unilever, WSRC, Zeneca/Syngenta & others.
Hanford Waste Treatment Plant Review Panel - CRESP III (Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation) for the US Department of Energy (DOE), November 2006 to present.
North American Mixing Forum of the AIChE: Emeritus Member of Executive Council (2003 - present), Past President, President (1999 - 2001), Vice President (1997 - 1999), Treasurer (1989-1995) and Founding Member.
Chair, MIXING XV - 15th Biennial North American Mixing Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 1995.
Editorial Board, Chemical Engineering Research and Design,Transactions I.Chem.E. (UK), Part A, 1995 to 2006.
AIChE Chemical Technology Operating Council, member since 2010; Chair Elect (2012), Chair (2013), past Chair (2014).
AiChE Center for Energy Initiatives, NuClean nuclear waste initiative, co-Chair 2012 to 2014.
AIChE: Public Affairs & Information Committee, member 2014 to 2018; Virtual Local Section Board of Directors, member 2015 to 2017; Webinar Advisory Editors Committee member since 2015.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Fulbright Association
EXPERIENCE: Turbulent & multiphase flow phenomena, with emphasis on particle/droplet dispersion & coalescence processes, prediction & measurement of particle/drop size distribution, and prediction & measurement of velocity fields in stirred vessels and high intensity mixers. Director: UM High Shear Mixing Research Program, 1997 to present.
- CHBE 422 - Transport Phenomena I: Fluid Mechanics
- CHBE 424 - Transport Phenomena II: Mass & Heat Transfer
- CHBE 492 - Multi-scale and Multiphase Flows
- ENCH 648x - Multi-scale and Multiphase Flows
- HONR 238Q - Nuclear Waste. The Other Consequence of Nuclear Weapons
- Professor Calabrese has more than 75 publications and reports, and more than 300 presentations in the areas of experience described above.
- Calabrese, R.V. and S. Middleman, “The Dispersion of Discrete Particles in a Turbulent Fluid Field”, AIChE J, 25, 1025-1035, 1979.
- Calabrese, R.V., et. al, “Drop Breakup in Turbulent Stirred Tank Contactors”, Part I: “Effect of Dispersed Phase Viscosity”, AIChE J, 32, 657-666, 1986.; Part II: “Relative Influence of Viscosity & Interfacial Tension”, AIChE J, 32, 667-676,1986.; Part III: “Correlations for Mean Size and Drop Size Distribution”, AIChE J, 32, 677-681, 1986.
- Berkman, P.D. and R.V. Calabrese, “The Dispersion of Viscous Liquids by Turbulent Flow in a Static Mixer”, AIChE J., 34, 602-609, 1988.
- Calabrese, R.V. & C.M. Stoots, “Flow in Impeller Region of a Stirred Tank”, Chem. Eng. Prog., 85, 43-50, May 1989.
- Chang, Y.C., R. V. Calabrese and J.W. Gentry, “An Algorithm for Determination of the Size-Dependent Breakage Frequency of Droplets, Flocs and Aggregates”, Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 8, 315-322, 1991.
- Pacek, A.W., I.P.T. Moore, A.W. Nienow and R.V. Calabrese, “A Video Technique for the Measurement of the Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Dispersions During Phase Inversion”, AIChE J., 40, 1940-1949, 1994.
- Calabrese, R.V., S.H. Cheng, J.C. Lin and J.W. Gentry, “Effect of Kernel on Aggregation or Coalescence of Large Clusters”, Part. Sci. & Tech., 13, 37-53, 1995.
- Stoots, C.M. & R.V. Calabrese, “Mean Velocity Field Relative to a Rushton Turbine Blade”, AIChEJ, 41, 1-11, 1995.
- Bakker, A., R.D. LaRoche, M.H. Wang and R.V. Calabrese, “Sliding Mesh Simulation of Laminar Flow in Stirred Reactors” Trans. I. Chem. E. 75:A, 42-44, 1997.
- Bigio, D.I., C.R. Marks and R.V. Calabrese, “Predicting Drop Breakup in Complex Flows from Model Flow Experiments”, Intern. Polymer Processing, XIII, 192-198, 1998.
- Gaspard, P., M.E. Briggs, M.K. Francis, J.V. Sengers, R.W. Gammon, J.R. Dorfman and R.V. Calabrese, “Experimental Evidence for Microscopic Chaos”, Nature, 394, 865-868, 1998.
- Calabrese, R.V., M.K. Francis, V.P. Mishra and S. Phongikaroon, “Measurement and Analysis of Drop Size in a Batch Rotor-Stator Mixer”, Proceedings: 10th European Conference on Mixing, H.E.A. van den Akker and J.J. Derksen, Editors, pp. 149-156, Elsevier Science B. V, 2000.
- Briggs, M.E., J.V. Sengers, M.K. Francis, P. Gaspard, R.W. Gammon, J.R. Dorfman and R.V. Calabrese, “Tracking a Colloidal Particle for the Measurement of Dynamic Entropies”, Physica A, 296, 42-59, 2001.
- Calabrese, R.V., M.K. Francis, K.R. Kevala, V.P. Mishra, G.A. Padron and S. Phongikaroon, “Fluid Dynamics and Emulsification in High Shear Mixers”, Proc: 3rd World Congress on Emulsions, Lyon, France, 2002.
- Phongikaroon, S. and R.V. Calabrese, “Effect of Internal and External Resistances on the Swelling of Droplets”, AIChE J., 51, 379-391, 2005.
- Francis, M.K., R.V. Calabrese and S. Phongikaroon, “Novel Probe for the In Situ Measurement of Particle Size Distributions”, Rev. Sci. Instruments, 77, 123704-1 to 123704-8, 2006.
- Walker, J.R. and R.V. Calabrese, “Analysis of Surfactant Laden Liquid-Liquid Dispersions using an Axisymmetric Laminar Jet”, Can.J.Chem.Eng., 89,1096-1103,2011.
- Mortensen, H.H., L. Rosendahl and R.V. Calabrese, “Characteristics of Rotor-Stator Batch Mixer Performance Elucidated by Shaft Torque and Angle Resolved PIV Measurements”, Can.J.Chem.Eng., 89,1076-1095,2011.
- Rueger, P. E. and R.V. Calabrese, “Dispersion of Water into Oil in a Rotor-Stator Mixer. Part 1: Drop Breakup in Dilute Systems”, Chem. Eng. Res.& Design, 91, 2122-2133, 2013; “Part 2: Effect of Phase Fraction”, Chem. Eng. Res.& Design, 91, 2134-2141, 2013.
- Calabrese, R.V., S.M. Kresta and M. Liu, “Recognizing the 21 Most Influential Contributions to Mixing Research”, Chemical Engineering Progress, 110, 20-29, Jan. 2014.
- Minnick, B.A., J.W. Kim, D.I. Ko and R.V. Calabrese, “Flow and Power Characteristics of an Axial Discharge Rotor-Stator Mixer”, Chem. Eng. Res.& Design, 136, 477-490, 2018.
- Atiemo-Obeng, V. A. and R. V. Calabrese, “Rotor-Stator Mixing Devices”, Chapter 8 in Handbook of Industrial Mixing Science and Practice, E. L. Paul, V. A. Atiemo-Obeng and S. M. Kresta, Editors, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004 (pp. 479 to 505).
- Leng, D. E, and R. V. Calabrese, “Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Systems”, Chapter 12 in Handbook of Industrial Mixing Science and Practice, E. L. Paul, V. A. Atiemo-Obeng and S. M. Kresta, Editors, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004, (pp. 639 to 753).