- Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2012
- M.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2006
- B.S., University of Tehran, 2000
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ibrahim, Y., Amir-Faryar, B. (2018) "Strategic Insight on the Role of Farm Ponds as Non-Conventional Stormwater Management Facilities". Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 23:6, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001666.
Amir-Faryar, B., McCuen, R.H., Aggour, M.S. (2017) "CPTu-Based Model Development and Accuracy Assessment for Shear Strength of Clay". International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 17:9.
Amir-Faryar, B., Suter, K.E., Finnen, R.E. Jr. (2017) "Strength of the Cement Treated Piedmont Residual Soils". Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 35:4, 1819-1830.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S., McCuen, R.H. (2016) “Universal Model Forms for Predicting the Shear Modulus and Material Damping of Soils”. Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1080/17486025.2016.1162332.
Amir-Faryar, B., Suter, K.E., Finnen, R.E. Jr. (2016) “Index Properties of Coastal Plain Soils of Southeastern Virginia”. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, 44:3, 1175-1182. Doi:10.1520/JTE20140122. ISSN 0090-3973.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S., (2016) “Effect of Fibre Inclusion on Dynamic Properties of Clay”. Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, 11:2, 104-113. DOI:10.1080/17486025.2015.1029013.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S. (2012) “Determination of Optimum Fiber Content in a Fiber Reinforced Clay”. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, 40:2, 334-337.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S., O’Connell, D.P., Suter, K.E., Finnen, R.E. Jr., Miller, K.C. (2012) “Effect of Construction Sequence on Adjacent Underground Structures”. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, EJGE, 17:Y, 3739-3752.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S. (2018) "General Equation and Simplified Model to Predict Damping Properties of Clays Using Soil Plasticity". Proceedings of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, ASCE, Austin, Texas, June 10-13, 2018.
Amir-Faryar, B. (2016) “Slope Stability Evaluation of Highway Embankments in Large Transportation Projects”. Proceedings of G-I SEI Combined Congress for Geotechnical and Structural Engineers, ASCE, Phoenix, AZ, February 14-16, 2016.
Amir-Faryar, B., Finnen, R.E. Jr. (2015) “Settlement of a Shallow Foundation Resting on Piedmont Residual Soils of Northern Virginia”. Proceedings of IFCEE Advanced Analysis of Shallow Foundations, ASCE, San Antonio, Texas, March 2015.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S. (2014) “Fiber Reinforcement Optimization Using a Soil Approach”. Proceedings of Geo-Congress Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, ASCE, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2014, 11 p.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S., Amir Faryar, F., Naranji, E., Agharazi, A. (2013) “Modification of Natural Period of Clayey Site Using Fiber Improvement”. Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, SE-50EEE, Skopje, Macedonia, May 2013, 9 p.
Amir-Faryar, B., Aggour, M.S. (2012) “Dynamic Properties of Fiber Reinforced Clay”. Proceedings of 15thWorld Conference in Earthquake Engineering, 15WCEE, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2012, 7 p.
General Publications
Amir-Faryar, B., Salehi, P. (2017) "Is It Aged or Mature?". Earth Magazine, American Geosciences Institute, June 2017.