Faculty Directory


  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, 2011
  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, 2008
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, 2002


Ph.D. in electrical engineering, University of Maryland, 2011,  Dissertation Title: Longitudinal Control of Intense Charged Particle Beams,  Major/Minor Area: Electromagnetics/Microelectronics

M.S. in electrical  engineering, University of Maryland, 2008, Thesis Title: Longitudinal Space-Charge Waves Induced by Energy Modulations,       Major/Minor Area: Electromagnetrics/Microelectronics

B.S. in electrical  engineering, University of Maryland, 2002, Thesis Title: Longitudinal Space-Charge Waves Induced by Energy Modulations,       Major/Minor Area: Electromagnetrics/Microelectronics


Dr. Beaudoin has a collaborative patent pending with the university patent office, entitled: Proton Therapy Range Modulation and Control.


  • Member, Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS)
  • Member, American Physical Society (APS)

Curriculum VitaeOrcid: 0000-0001-9935-4658, Google Scholar


Dr. Beaudoin has both led and participated in a wide range of beam physics experiments on the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER). He was responsible for designing, modeling and building the experimental hardware that was critical to the successful use of UMER, including electromagnetic wide-band induction cavities, high voltage pulsed modulators, vacuum hardware and low-level electronics.  He also led teams of students on numerous projects that couple electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer control system development and accelerator physics.  Dr. Beaudoin has over 40 scientific publications and has given more than 10 scientific presentations at conferences worldwide.

Dr. Beaudoin's research interests include: electromagnetics, rf vacuum tubes, circular and linear particle accelerators, pulsed cavities, electron and ion beam dynamics, pulsed power electronics, and rf electronics.

His teaching interests include: pulsed power physics, charged particle dynamics, electromagnetism and waves, analog and digital electronics, basic circuit theory, mathematics, physics, and digital logic design.

University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) – An electron storage ring that uses scaled low-energy electron beams to cleverly access the intense, high-brightness regime of beam operation in accelerators, at a much lower cost than larger more energetic machines.

Radiation Facilities – The University of Maryland Radiation Facilities includes a 250 kW reactor, 100 kCi Co60 source and two 10 MeV electron accelerators, supporting a broad range of Maryland research and the education of graduate and undergraduate students in nuclear science.

High Power Microwave (HPM) Group – Dedicated to designing, constructing and testing novel microwave structures including the rich history of gyrotrons, pasotrons and other high gradient accelerating microwave structures.

Dr. Beaudoin has served as a lecturer and assistant for the United States Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) in 2008 and 2013, and is slated to assist in 2014 and in 2015 with a course in fundamentals of accelerators and one in cyclotrons.  He has also mentored and guided TREND students and other high school, undergraduate and graduate students.

Timothy Koeth, Associate Research Professor, Profiled in The Washington Post

The Washington Post profiles Timothy Koeth's efforts to help students build a cyclotron.