Built for the Breakthrough: Better Health Through Engineering
Built for the Breakthrough: Better Health Through Engineering
From preterm birth to cancer to aging: Maryland engineers take aim at some of the biggest challenges in medicine. Our faculty translate research into practical applications that improve patient outcomes. With cutting-edge tools and visionary thinking, we empower bold solutions that transform healthcare and shape the future of medicine.
Pioneering technologies like this UpNano 3D nanoprinter equip our researchers and students to push boundaries and accelerate breakthrough innovations in healthcare.
Story by Erin Peterson | Illustration by Aldo Crusher | Photographs by Maximilian Franz and Stephanie Cordle
Peter Kofinas has seen the consequences of hyperammonemia, a metabolic condition in which patients have too much ammonia in their blood, when it has been diagnosed too late. “I’ve gone to the hospital and seen young kids—aged 10, 13—who had intellectual disabilities as a result of the condition,” he says.
Graduate student Ebenezer Sam collaborates with Professor and Department Chair Peter Kofinas in the lab on the development of a handheld device aimed at helping families monitor blood ammonia levels at home.
For years, the only available tests required hospital visits or anxiety-fueled waits of up to two weeks for the tests to be sent to outside laboratories for analysis. It’s one reason that his decision to help develop a simple at-home test, in collaboration with experts at the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Science and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., felt so personal. “Finding problems with solutions that have an impact on people—that’s what drives me and interests me,” he says.
As a polymer expert, Kofinas felt confident that he could build a test that needed just a few drops of blood. It would require him to create a polymer membrane to isolate ammonia from the blood, and a way to measure its concentration to diagnose the condition.
Partnering with hospital and NIH experts, Kofinas and his team at Maryland Engineering got to work. They built a handheld microfluidic device—similar to those that measure blood sugar levels for people with diabetes—that parents could use to quickly measure their babies’ ammonia levels at home.
The device was so promising that Kofinas and his team filed for, and received, a patent for the technology. Today, a company called Archimedes Bioengineering is working to commercialize the device: Omar Ayyub Ph.D. ’14, co-inventor and a graduate of Kofinas’ lab, serves as the company’s chief scientific officer. Kofinas, meanwhile, now department chair of chemical and biomolecular engineering, continues to take aim at pressing medical challenges that can benefit from his engineering expertise.
He isn’t alone.
Kofinas is one of dozens of engineering faculty at Maryland who are building tools and advancing technologies designed to improve patients’ health, both here and around the world. They’re leveraging every advantage that Maryland offers—collaborative opportunities (including a novel and trendsetting partnership with the School of Medicine to embed engineers with clinicians), proximity to top federal agencies, cutting-edge technology, and commercialization support—to accelerate the process from idea to impact.
It’s working.
Here are just a few of the ways that Maryland Engineering is built for the breakthrough.
Built to… replace compromised arteries with metamaterials
Above: Assistant Professor Eleonora Tubaldi holds a prototype of a metamaterial-based arterial device designed to mimic the natural flexibility of arteries.
Below: Tubaldi combines engineering principles with medical insights to create medical implants that respond dynamically to physiological conditions.
Stents, the wire mesh tubes that help keep patients’ narrowed or blocked arteries open for blood flow, are life-saving devices. But they’re also much less sophisticated than the beautifully responsive structures they replace. That can be a problem when the blood flow in an artery changes, like during exercise.
One intriguing path forward, says Assistant Professor of mechanical engineeringEleonora Tubaldi, is to replace these wire mesh tubes with multifunctional “metamaterials.”
In her lab, she and her team arrange both soft and stiff materials in complex configurations that provide dynamic responses to different stimuli. “The mechanical behavior of a typical material, such as rubber or metal, will always be the same, but a metamaterial can be ‘tuned’ to respond differently to a change in blood pressure or to a changing heartbeat,” she says. “It’s designed to be more effective for the patient—and to act much more like the artery was behaving before.”
Powered by collaboration
In her work to replicate the functions of arteries with metamaterials, Eleonora Tubaldi works closely with UMD experts in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and physics, as well as UMD cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons.
For Tubaldi, spinning up these projects often feels nothing short of miraculous.
“It’s not just that we have an intellectually active environment where people want to consider all different types of research ideas,” she says. “It’s also that with any idea I’ve got, I can get a team of experts ready to go, all less than a mile apart, and with all of the national labs right around us.
“Maryland is a strategic location in the advancement of biomedical technologies not just in the nation, but worldwide.”
Built to… detect troubling gastrointestinal conditions earlier
Herbert Rabin Distinguished Chair in Engineering Reza Ghodssi holds a prototype sensor designed for ingestible capsules that could detect early signs of gastrointestinal issues.
As the prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) diseases continues to skyrocket—the American Cancer Society predicts colorectal cancer will be the leading cause of cancer death for people under 50 by 2030, and both inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are on the rise—finding new ways to monitor our GI health has become imperative.
One area that holds particular promise: sensor-packed ingestible capsules that patients can swallow as easily as their morning vitamins.
Depending on the need, the capsules could be developed to gather valuable information—or even to precisely deliver drugs, says Reza Ghodssi, Herbert Rabin Distinguished Chair in Engineering and executive director of research and innovation at UMD’s MATRIX Lab in southern Maryland. “PillCams can already take pictures as they travel through patients’ GI tracts, but similar technologies could have electrochemical sensing capabilities,” he says. “They could survey GI tissue for the harmful thinning of the mucosal layer, which can’t always be observed with a PillCam, or to identify the onset of a potentially cancerous tumor.”
Ghodssi, who has been building miniature devices, sensors, and actuators for more than three decades, has gathered researchers with diverse expertise from across the university—electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, bioengineers, chemists, computer scientists, and data scientists, for starters—to create tiny devices that contain electrochemical sensing electrodes, communications electronics, and batteries inside tiny 3D-printed shells; data collected from the device can be transmitted wirelessly to a cell phone. His students are fueling further insights: Just this year, Ph.D. student and Clark Doctoral Fellow Joshua Levy was recognized for award-winning work linked to microneedle drug deliveries in the context of ingestible capsules.
The challenges of creating a device small enough to be swallowed that contains sensors to collect and share meaningful data are myriad, but Ghodssi sees a future where these devices won’t just find problems, but help us sidestep them entirely. “When you understand how your body is working,” he says, “you can prevent the diseases before they occur.”
Student Spotlight
During the inaugural 2024 Capstone Design Expo, the winning Fischell Department of Bioengineering team, including captain Kelly Yeung, developed a groundbreaking device that enables bystanders to safely provide rescue breaths to overdose victims. The Expo featured over 500 senior students from various engineering disciplines, who spent a year working with faculty and industry experts to bring their projects to life. Yeung has continued to refine this life-saving device through a fellowship with the Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices while pursuing her Master of Engineering.
Kelly Yeung ’24 makes adjustments to the Accessible Ventilation Coach while continuing its development at the Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices. Image still and video produced by Felipe Pinzon Vanegas.
Built to… support breast reconstruction after mastectomies
Graduate student Amal Shabazz works in Professor and Department Chair John Fisher’s lab to develop a 3D-printed nipple-areolar complex for breast reconstruction. Their research aims to provide a durable, life-like solution that supports tissue growth.
More than 100,000 women undergo mastectomies each year to treat or prevent breast cancer. Though the procedure can be lifesaving, its emotional toll can be devastating: More than two-thirds of patients say the changes in their bodies led them to experience significant psychological distress.
While breast reconstruction can help, the process is incomplete at best, in part because there are few methods to effectively recreate the pigmented area of the breast known as the nipple-areolar complex (NAC). Many women feel that tattoos, a common solution, are a far from perfect replacement.
That may soon change, thanks to efforts led by graduate students Lexi Christensen and Amal Shabazz, who work in John Fisher’s laboratory within the department of bioengineering.
Christensen, Shabazz, and Fisher have developed a promising 3D-printed NAC that pairs non-degradable materials to support the NAC’s shape and mechanical properties with degradable biomaterials that support the growth of connective tissue and blood vessels within the implant.
The work offers a level of sophistication that was all but impossible to create previously, says Fisher. “3D printing can precisely assemble many materials and many cell types into an object in ways that can’t be replicated by other processes,” he says. “We can use printing to build tissues that approach the complexity of our own tissues.”
Their efforts are gaining momentum: After securing initial support from an NIH grant, Fisher and his team are partnering with a local Maryland company to help build implants ready for FDA approval—and patient use—before 2030.
Built to… customize medication for every age
Assistant Professor Erika Moore (center) discusses biomaterial models with Lara Larson ’23 (left) and Allison Moses ’23 (right), exploring how age and ancestry impact the effectiveness of wound-healing treatments through the use of biomaterial models.
One of the vexing problems facing doctors: A patient’s characteristics can influence the efficiency of a prescribed drug. A treatment that works effectively for an 18-year-old, for example, might have little impact on an 80-year-old; another medication with high success rates among men may show little promise for women.
Assistant Professor of bioengineering Erika Moore’s research investigates how ancestry and sociocultural data affect disease development and treatment. She is particularly interested in how these differences express themselves in macrophages, a specific type of cell that plays a role in the wound healing process. She’s found that these cells tend to become less effective at their job as people get older, and that these macrophages are less affected by the treatments targeting them.
To learn more, she builds biomaterial models—3D tissues that Moore affectionately describes as looking like “little Jell-O tissues”—to study the wound-healing therapeutic Metformin. And unlike many researchers, she accounts for diverse populations when building regenerative tissue models to create more equitable disease models.
Her findings have been illuminating: Cells from donors under the age of 35 exposed to Metformin healed far faster than those from donors over the age of 65. “That means that we don’t think that Metformin is the most effective drug to restore wound healing for older adults—or that we need to consider a different dose or exposure time,” she says.
While age is the key variable in this specific work, Moore says it is the tip of the iceberg in a world where we can increasingly personalize the treatments that patients receive: “Too often, we take a one-size-fits-all approach,” she says, “but there’s a real need to be more intentional and aware of things like biological sex, age, and other demographic descriptors. We need a much more in-depth and holistic understanding of how our experiences and background contribute to our maladies.”
Fibroid insights
Allison Moses ’23, a Ph.D. student and graduate researcher in Erika Moore’s lab, is building models to understand the complexities of uterine fibroid development by analyzing the interactions between macrophages and fibroid cells. “I aim for my research to bring us one step closer to understanding uterine fibroid pathogenesis so that we may develop key targets for screening, treating, or preventing fibroids,” she says.
Erika Moore at TED: Uncovering How Personalized Medicine Can Bridge Health Disparities
Erika Moore is redefining healthcare by uncovering how patient backgrounds influence disease. Her groundbreaking research reveals why certain treatments work better for some than others, pushing the boundaries of personalized medicine. Moore’s work embodies Maryland Engineering’s commitment to creating bold, impactful solutions that improve health outcomes for all.
Built to… advance minimally invasive brain surgery
Above: Associate Professor Ryan Sochol operates a state-of-the-art 3D nanoprinter in his lab, creating soft robotic microcatheters and guidewires for minimally invasive surgery.
Below: Sochol and his team of researchers celebrate the installation of their brand-new 3D nanoprinter, which they're harnessing to advance medical technologies.
When Associate Professor of mechanical engineering Ryan Sochol arrived at Maryland in 2014, he was one of just a handful of researchers who had experience working with 3D nanoprinters. Today, he harnesses the power of these advanced printers to create steerable microcatheters and guidewires to treat aneurysms in some of the most difficult-to-reach regions in the brain.
For these complex procedures, surgeons have typically hand-bent guidewires and manually maneuvered them to try to reach the intended spot in the brain—a process that is time-consuming at best, and physically impossible in the most complicated cases.
With the help of advanced 3D-printing technology, however, Sochol and his team are building 3D-nanoprinted soft-robotic microcatheters that can be actively steered through blood vessels to reach the target locations in the brain.
These soft robots—essentially, tiny connected balloons that can be inflated and deflated to control their movements—could help surgeons perform vital procedures more quickly and precisely for even the most inaccessible spots in the brain.
The most advanced of these devices are the thickness of just three human hairs. “We’re using this state-of-the-art 3D-nanoprinting approach to create technologies that were never before possible,” says Sochol. “We’re pioneering a completely unique area of robotics.”
This summer, Sochol’s lab added the UpNano NanoOne 1000, a $650,000 3D microfabrication system that is the fastest 3D nanoprinter within 400 miles of UMD’s College Park campus, and also works with a large range of biocompatible materials. The technology will strengthen and accelerate their work further.
With NIH recently awarding nearly $3 million to Sochol and his collaborators at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland School of Medicine to advance these technologies, the team envisions a future in which minimally invasive surgeries can be completed more quickly, safely, and effectively than ever before.
Student Fueled
This past spring, Ryan Sochol and a team of UMD students and researchers landed a prestigious Microsystems & Nanoengineering Springer Nature Outstanding Paper Award for their work on 3D nanoprinting soft robotic surgical tools. The team included Zachary Ferraro ’19; Ph.D. candidates Bailey Felix and Olivia Young; Declan Fitzgerald ’22, M.S. ’24, currently a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley; and lead author Sunandita Sarker, a former postdoctoral researcher in Sochol’s lab who’s now an assistant professor at UMass Amherst.
Built to… prevent preterm birth
Assistant Professor Hannah Zierden stands in front of A. James Clark Hall, home to the Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices, where she is developing innovative treatments to prevent preterm birth that directly target specific cells or tissues.
More than one in 10 babies in the United States are born at least three weeks before their due date. For these families, what should be a time of joy can instead lead to deep anxiety and a sense of helplessness. The economic consequences are enormous, too: The annual medical and associated costs of these preterm births add up to a staggering $25 billion in the United States alone.
Even worse, progress on the problem has stalled: Accelerated FDA approval for a progesterone-based injection used to prevent preterm birth was withdrawn in late 2023 because it was not shown to be effective. Today, there is not a single FDA-approved treatment available.
Chemical and biomolecular engineering Assistant Professor Hannah Zierden hopes to create one.
Zierden is currently testing the use of tiny particles known as bacterial extracellular vesicles (bEVs), which are produced by vaginal microbes, as a drug delivery mechanism. These particles, which are released by bacteria, function something like biological “mail”: They deliver biological materials and communications from the cell to other parts of the body. Zierden says they could also be loaded with drugs or other materials and targeted to specific cells or tissues.
These bEVs hold particular promise not only because they can move drugs through vaginal mucus, a biological barrier that has proven to be a formidable challenge for scientists in the past, but because they can deliver drugs more precisely than injections, which can get diluted in circulation.
Currently, she is teaming up with chemical and biomolecular engineering Assistant Professor Po-Yen Chen on a machine learning and AI project to help her identify bEV formulations that can be manufactured at scale and have the greatest potential for success.
Zierden says that advances in bEV drug delivery could re-open the door to the use of progesterone to prevent preterm birth. “When you can deliver drugs directly to the female reproductive tract, you can increase the payload to target tissues while decreasing off-target side effects,” she says.
Bio Innovation at Maryland Engineering
The Bio Innovation program supports innovators working in fields like bioengineering, medtech, healthtech, and biotech. By offering access to top-tier resources, such as cutting-edge scientific instruments, incubators, accelerators, and collaboration with renowned researchers, it aims to advance breakthrough technologies in diagnostics, therapeutics, and medical devices, and more. The program fosters collaboration to create solutions that improve healthcare outcomes and promote sustainable commercialization.
Built to… support more powerful real-time health monitoring
Research Professor Gregory Payne, Chen-Yu Chen Ph.D. ’23, and Distinguished Chair and Institute Director William “Bill” Bentley (left to right) discuss their latest bioelectronic device, BioSpark, which bridges communication between biological and electronic systems.
Living systems transfer information through molecules and ions. The internet transfers information through electrons and photons. While each communication system is elegant and effective, the two have typically remained worlds apart: Scientists have struggled to find ways to connect the systems effectively—or even translate between them.
Still, the possibilities of the so-called “Internet of Life” are tantalizing, says William “Bill” Bentley, the Robert E. Fischell Distinguished Chair of Engineering and director of the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech) and Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices. “If we could transfer information from one system to another, you could imagine all sorts of new technologies and processes,” he says. One dream scenario? A device connected to the human body to sense disease progression and administer drugs as needed.
This future may be closer than ever. Work by Bentley and his colleagues, including longtime collaborator Greg Payne, a research professor and Fischell Institute Fellow in UMD’s Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, and recent alums Sally Wang Ph.D. ’23 and Chen-Yu Chen Ph.D. ’23, has uncovered a bridge in the communication gap between biological and electronic systems.
Bentley and his lab have created hydrogels developed from a substance known as chitin that can facilitate information transfer between microelectronics and biological systems, and developed a cutting-edge bioelectronic device, dubbed BioSpark, that receives and digitizes biological signals and returns electronic commands back. The team has even demonstrated how they could electronically control gene expression in bacteria.
Their work could lead to biosensors that monitor, in real-time, our microbiome health or oxidative damage in blood serum linked to health conditions such as schizophrenia—or even take corrective action. “When you open up communication between biology and electronics, it’s a completely new way of getting information,” Bentley says.
Built to… stop vision loss before it starts
Associate Professor Giuliano Scarcelli (at back), with researchers Jitao Zhang (left) and Milos Nikolic Ph.D. ’22 (right), utilizing Brillouin microscopy in the lab to measure corneal stiffness, a technique that allows early detection of conditions like keratoconus. Image still from video by Mark Sherwood.
Keratoconus, an eye disease that causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone shape, affects more than 150,000 people in the U.S. alone. It can lead to severe vision loss and is a leading cause of corneal transplants.
But technologies advanced by Associate Professor of bioengineering Giuliano Scarcelli can now pinpoint corneal softening before the destructive bulging begins.
Scarcelli’s work, which is a significant advancement in what is known as Brillouin microscopy, “sees” cell stiffness in much the same way that a thermal camera can “see” heat. Instead of each pixel of the camera measuring the temperature of a structure, Brilliouin microscopy techniques use light to measure the stiffness of structures, including cells, without disrupting them in any way.
“Our technique allows us to detect corneal softening before a patient has a vision problem,” Scarcelli explains. Once detected, an ophthalmologist can use already developed treatments to prevent the disease’s progression.
While corneal stiffness measurements are the most advanced current use case for the technology, its impact is likely to grow: Giuliano and his lab have developed a microscope based on Brillouin scattering that is being used in other researchers’ labs.
Scarcelli adds that there is an array of conditions that might ultimately be able to be diagnosed earlier or more effectively through similar measurements of cell stiffness, as well, including Alzheimer’s disease and metastatic cancer.
Best of the best
Giuliano Scarcelli’s breakthroughs in Brillouin microscopy were named one of The Guardian’s “10 biggest science stories” of 2022, as identified by fellow scientists.
Built to… diagnose and treat cervical dysplasia in one visit
Assistant Professor Jenna Mueller gazes at a low-cost ablative therapy developed in her lab to treat cervical dysplasia immediately after diagnosis.
In her collaborative work with industry and international partners, Assistant Professor of bioengineering Jenna Mueller helped develop a small, inexpensive tool known as a Pocket Colposcope to diagnose cervical dysplasia, the precursor to cervical cancer. It’s a device that has the potential to transform healthcare for the millions of women who live in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) worldwide, where diagnostic alternatives have long been limited. The tool has been cleared by the FDA and used successfully in countries including Peru.
“There’s so much potential to invest in global health,” Mueller says. “It’s been underfunded and underemphasized, even though the problems aren’t going anywhere.”
When she learned about the barriers that women from LMIC face—such as cost and access to specialists—that are required for follow-up treatments after diagnosis, she knew her next steps were clear. Today, she is developing a low-cost technology that will enable doctors to diagnose—and treat—cervical dysplasia in a single visit.
Mueller and her Global Biomedical Devices Laboratory team are making progress on her big ambitions with the support of partners across UMD’s campus.
Her current work includes efforts to optimize a once-common, minimally invasive procedure known as ethanol ablation. While the procedure can destroy tumors and precancerous tissue, it has fallen out of practice because of the ethanol’s propensity to leak beyond the area needing treatment. She and her lab are working to improve the safety of the procedure through the addition of a biocompatible polymer, ethyl cellulose. “The polymer keeps the ethanol where we’ve injected it and allows for a controlled release,” she says. “The current cost is less than a dollar per injection.”
While much work remains—she’s prototyping injection devices with 3D printing technologies, pursuing tissue studies through a partnership with the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and adjusting variables such as the concentration of the polymer and depth of the injection—she is optimistic about the project’s future. “There are always constraints and engineering challenges within global health, but you can be creative within those defined areas,” she says. “I think we can completely eradicate cervical cancer in my lifetime.”
Explore the Magazine
This page is adapted from the feature story in the Fall/Winter 2024 issue of Engineering at Maryland magazine. Learn more about the ways Maryland engineers are built for the breakthrough and explore the impact of their research in the current and previous issues.