Aerospace Engineering and Chemical Engineering majors have a specific set of summer courses that are typically needed in order to be eligible for the junior year curriculum. All other majors may benefit from summer coursework, but specific recommendations will depend on the community college that you attended as well as your transfer credits.
Students pursuing Aerospace Engineering should visit the departmental website to learn more:
Chemical Engineering students generally take CHBE101 during the first summer session and CHBE250 and CHBE301 during the second summer session. In order to learn more, please contact
Any student missing a 100 or 200-level major requirement should email to see if a summer course is a good option.
The University of Maryland course catalog is available to view via the following link: In order to search for summer courses, students should use the drop-down menu to select the summer term. See the image below for details.

Once you have selected the term, you can search for courses by academic department. Each department is listed on the Schedule of Classes landing page. You can also search for a course directly in the search bar. Course descrptions will include the specific dates when the course is being taught for your reference.
In order to register for a summer course, students will need to work with the Office of Extended Studies. More information is available on the following website:
Engineering courses are generally restricted. Therefore, in order to gain permission to register for a course, you should start by submitting the Summer Pathways Scholarship application. Once you apply, an advisor will work with you to assist with the course registration process.