Private, quiet, and lockable space for parental needs
Lactation/feeding rooms provide a private, quiet, and lockable space for faculty, staff, students, and visitors who need privacy for parent-related activities such as breast-feeding or pumping. The rooms located within engineering buildings are listed below. The rooms are open Monday–Friday, 8:30 am–5:00 pm.
3248 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
Amenities include refrigerator, sink, comfortable chair, small table, and electrical outlets. Access to the room can be obtained via code available from the front desk of the Dean's Office located in 3110 KEB.
1131T Glenn L. Martin Hall, Room 1123B
Amenities include tables, chairs, and electrical outlets. Request use of the parental use room in Martin Hall via email at or by phone at 301-405-6200. This space is sponsored by the Women in Engineering Program.
View all campus lactation/feeding rooms