Civil engineering students typically study abroad in the spring of their junior year through several of our exchange partners or the Clark in Madrid program.  

You can view study abroad courses that have been evaluated previously by visiting our International Course Database

Popular Spring Programs for Civil Engineering Students

University of Queensland logo

Exchange or Direct Enroll

  1. ENCE302: Probability & Statistics (STAT2003)

  2. ENCE320: Engineering Project Management (MECH3600)

  3. ENCE353: Introduction to Structural Analysis (CIVL3340)

  4. ENCE441: Foundation Design (CIVL3210)

  5. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and Breadth Electives

  6. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)

  7. General Education Courses (not I-series or DSSP)

Danish Technical University logo


  1. ENCE302: Probability & Statistics (11376)
  2. ENCE320: Engineering Project Management (62691, 62132, or 42430)
  3. ENCE411: Environmental Engineering Science (12237)
  4. ENCE423: Project Planning, Estimating & Scheduling (62132) (C)
  5. ENCE455: Design of Steel Structures (11961)
  6. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and breadth electives
    1. TECH4XX: An Introduction to Ocean Science and Technology (25104)
  7. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)

Hong Kong Polytechnic University logo


  1. ENCE441: Foundation Design (CSE40410)
  2. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and breadth electives
  3. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)
  4. General Education Course (not I-series or DSSP)

University College Dublin logo

Exchange or Direct Enroll

  1. ENCE302: Probability & Statistics (STAT20060)

  2. ENCE353: Introduction to Structural Analysis (CVEN30020)

  3. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and breadth electives

  4. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)

  5. General Education Course (not I-series or DSSP)

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Exchange or Clark in Madrid Program

  1. ENCE353: Intro to Structural Analysis (14815)
  2. ENCE302: Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (15496, 14200, or 15328)
  3. ENCE310: Introduction to Environmental Engineering (14764)
  4. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and breadth electives
    1. TECH4XX: Materials Science & Engineering (14018)
    2. ENCE4XX: Energy and Building (16846)
  5. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)
  6. General Education Course (not I-series or DSSP)
    1. DSHU: European Cinema (13533); History of Music (13836)
    2. DVUP: European Cinema (13533)

University of Manchester university logo.

Exchange or Direct Enroll

  1. ENCE310: Introduction to Environmental Engineering (MACE30262)
  2. ENCE340: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering (MACE20222)
  3. ENCE421: Legal Aspects of Architectural and Engineering Practice (MACE40461)
  4. ENCE in-major, out-of-major, and breadth electives
    1. ENCE4XX: Steel & Concrete Structures (MACE20322)
    2. TECH4XX: Nuclear Systems (MACE30632)
    3. TECH4XX: Renewable Energy Systems (MACE31532)
    4. TECH4XX: Modelling & Simulation (MACE20082)
    5. TECH4XX: Project Management (MACE21511)
    6. TECH4XX: Introductory Management Accounting (BMAN10512)
  5. ENGL393: Technical Writing (UMD online course)

  6. General Education Course (not I-series or DSSP)
    1. DSHU: From Reconstruction to Reagan (AMER10002); Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology (PHIL10622)
    2. DSHS: From Reconstruction to Reagan (AMER10002); Introduction to European Archaeology (ARGY10122); Gender, Sexuality and the Body (ENGL20482); Bodies in History (HSTM10272); Cultural Diversity in Global Perspective (SOAN10312)
    3. DVUP: From Reconstruction to Reagan (AMER10002); Gender, Sexuality and the Body (ENGL20482)

Winter, Spring Break, and Summer Short-Term Programs for Civil Engineering Students