When do I register? 

All students should see their appropriate advisor(s) approximately two weeks prior to your registration date. Verify on Testudo under Appointments and Registration Status to see if you have any registration blocks that could prevent you from registering and resolve them as soon as possible.

Who Do I See for Advising?

(Select one of the categories below that describes you best and follow the instructions)

1st semester freshman Undecided Engineering Student: you need to see an advisor in room 1131S Glenn L. Martin Hall, Engineering Academic Services (EAS). Our walk-in hours are posted online at Engineering Academic Services: https://eng.umd.edu/services

1st semester freshman and your major is: Aerospace, Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Fire Protection, Material, or Mechanical. You will need to see the appropriate departmental / faculty advisors. For links to the department web pages, see Departmental Advisors: https://eng.umd.edu/services/contact

2nd semester freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students in a declared major: Please see the appropriate Departmental Advisors: https://eng.umd.edu/services/contact

If your GPA is below 2.0 (academic probation) and you have declared a major:

  1. Go to your department
  2. Go to the Engineering Academic Services located in 1131S of Glenn Martin Hall

 If your GPA is below 2.0 (academic probation) and your are Undecided Engineering Student:

  • Go to the Engineering Academic Services located in 1131S of Glenn Martin Hall

If you are an athlete

  1. Go to your Athletic Advisor and
  2. Go to your department (if you have a declared major), and
  3. Go to the Engineering Academic Services located in 1131S of Glenn Martin Hall

What's Next?

  1. Review your major’s Graduation Plan: https://eng.umd.edu/services/graduation-plans and curriculum sheet
  2. Make a list of 4 - 6 courses you need to take.
  3. Build your schedule, either manually or using Venus: https://venus.umd.edu
  4. Be sure to consult the Schedule of Classes for a list of the approved CORE/Gen Ed courses. Remember, Distributive Studies Gen Ed courses should be completed by the time you have 60 earned credits.
  5. Be sure there are no time conflicts and that your desired courses have open seats on Testudo: https://www.testudo.umd.edu
  6. Register for classes using Testudo: https://www.testudo.umd.edu at your assigned registration date and time, after meeting with your advisor.

How Ready Are You For Advising Today?

Do You Have?

  1. List of desired courses - Graduation Plan: https://eng.umd.edu/services/graduation-plans
  2. Gen Ed Folder: https://gened.umd.edu 
  3. Transcripts: https://app.testudo.umd.edu/#/main/uotrans?null (if required by department)
  4. Any special permission or forms required

Did you check the Online Catalog for pre-requisites?

You need to have the above items with you before meeting with your advisor.